It is so good to be home! I can certainly tell you, that after 6 weeks, with several hospitalizations, that a hospital is no place to be when you are ill. In fact, if you are sick, get the heck out of there as fast as you can!

My illness was hospital caused. Looking back, it all started with my cervical spine surgery. It was in the Operating Room where the bacteria was introduced into my body. And then the games began.

They used many hard antibiotics. Those medications, in large doses just wipe you out. Unfortunately, I am allergic to many antibiotics. This made it even harder to treat the infection. At one point I felt as if I would die.

When I was discharged this last time I came home feeling as if I might never be cured.

On Sunday the visiting nurse came and she sat and went over the BRAT diet with me. She said that after all I’d been through, my gut (stomach) was beat. All the good bacteria and flora was gone. She suggested the BRAT diet.

What is the BRAT diet? Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast.

She sat and talked to me while I made the rice, thawed my own applesauce and then I sat down and had my first mini meal. It was hard to eat it, but I got that first meal down.

An hour later, I ate a little more. And an hour after that… Then slowly, I started to feel just a little bit stronger. Just a little bit! My stomach stopped hurting, and the nausea began to ease.

And I slept last night. Better than I have in a while. I woke this morning and started in with my BRAT diet again. And things are settling with my stomach.

Tomorrow is the last day for the injectable antibiotics. After this I hope I will not need anything more, but if anything it would be oral.

I decided to take back control of my life, of my eating, and my rest and care. And now, fortunately, my life is starting to get back on track.

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