A Funny Little Girl

Greta is a funny little girl. She loves to be outside, but her nose gets her into a lot of trouble. As soon as she smells something interesting off she goes. Under a bush, over a stone wall, into the tall grass, we never know. Greta is like a two year old child. You must constantly be watching her, lest she slip away.
I’ve been talking to Hubby about that darn fence again. I have a feeling this is a talk we will have over and over and over. I think I have valid reasons to put up a white picket fence, but Hubby is still not convinced. Even when he comes into the house as he did today to ask for help when he “lost” her.
Me: “I think that a fence is a good idea.”
Hubby: “It’s fine, we don’t need a fence.”
Me: “What about my poison ivy?”
Hubby: “You’re the one who wants to sleep with your dog.”
Me: “What about when Greta runs off?”
Him: “Well, that’s your fault too. You should train her.”
Me: “If I win the Lottery, I’m putting up that fence!”
Him: “Over my dead body!”
Me: “That can be arranged.”
Until then, I will continue to campaign for the fence, and I will watch Greta like a hawk. How can a pup with the face of an Angel, be such a sneak?

13 thoughts on “A Funny Little Girl”

  1. I think a white picket fence would look nice. What about an electric fence? I know two people who have them and they work great.

  2. Perfectly Precious Pup and Beautiful Babe. Nice combo.

    Fences are wonderful. We have a 6′ privacy fence. Just about everyone in town has one.

  3. Dear Maribeth,
    you know here in Germany most owners of land have fences or a hedge round their property. I love our fence so we can let Gill out in the garden when he wants. And he often wants to “visit” the neigbours for getting treats at the fence….hihihihi
    Love Uschi

  4. Electric fences might work with lil dogs, but our old yellow lab just ran right through it without so much as a squeak. We put up a lil wire fence in the back yard that our new yellow lab has yet to try to get through. Good thing about wire is that it blends in with the foliage you put in front of it, so you can’t even see it’s there. It’s about 6 feet tall and has worked like a charm for 6 years.

  5. Beauty and brains…Greta has it all.

    You should get the fence, and its not your fault. She’s obviously a genious child, and you, her pet parent just can’t be blamed everytime she gets a bee in her bonnet to abuse the fence situation.

  6. Hallo!

    Greta is so cute. I’d keep an eye on her too!

    I’ll the saying with the beer-belly man. Is that Bayerisch? I can hardly read it.

  7. I’m all about the fence… these dachshunds are just all over the place. Lola is tied up whenever she goes out and well… Chance is going to have that happening soon if he doesn’t start listening. I swear they become deaf when they go outside.

  8. Yes, she is adorable! How much does Ms. Garbo weigh? She looks like a tweenie……….Little Louie is only about 10 pounds at one year……..

  9. I love that piccie, she looks so sweet! yet she’s got that mischievous look about her too hehe.

    Good luck and you do know it’s ALL your fault! lol (men, why do they always blame us!) :=)


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