Pickles, Pickles And More Pickles!!!

The Pickle Lady here.

Today I made another batch of Mustard Pickles. I used a different recipe, just for the heck of it. I am not happy with the results. The first recipe was so much better, so that one will be the one I save and use when I make them again. Hopefully, next year. After canning all these pickles, piccalilli and mustard pickles, I am sort of all pickled out! Of course soon it will be time to do the peaches. We like to can some as well as make a peach preserve called Heavenly Jam. I hope the peaches are ripe before I have my surgery!

We’re at the end of my squash. The powdery mildew has pretty much killed off the plants. I may get a few more, but what I need to do is get in there and take out the dead plants, and then set up the Butternut Squash to flourish and grow. Next year I will start at the beginning of the season and use preventative measures to guard against the mildew.

The heat broke about 6 o’clock on Thursday night. It’s cooler right now than it has been in days. I’m thankful. I’m not sure I could take many more days of hot, humid and hazy!

My weekend plan is to putter around the house and to putter around the garden. Life is good and so it’s time to enjoy it a little, especially now that the heat has broken.

Stay cool and enjoy the weekend.

5 thoughts on “Pickles, Pickles And More Pickles!!!”

  1. Good Morning Mom!
    Happy Friday! Hope you have a good day today!
    Love you lots,
    PS–had a good time out last night. Nice to catch up w/an old friend….

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