Shake & Bake 101

Cooking Day. Yes, today was cooking day. I planned it all out. I made the turkey stuffing in the morning, some brownies came next, a carrot casserole and then of course the main event, roast turkey in the afternoon.
I had an 11 and a 1/2 pound turkey in my freezer that I’d gotten for 49ยข a pound last December. So, it was time to cook it. I also decided to make up plastic containers of turkey, stuffing and gravy to freeze and now the bones are all simmering for a pot for turkey soup.
Why this sudden burst of domesticity? Desperation. I want to be able to eat while I am recovering.
Hubby is good with the usual things. He can mash potatoes, scramble eggs and he is absolutely legendary with shake and bake, but I learned long ago that his repertoire is limited, thus the sudden burst of cooking.
The brownies were fun to make. I didn’t have everything I needed to make brownies from scratch, so I found a great recipe for brownies made with…a chocolate cake mix! At first I thought this would be weird, but I have to tell you, if you like chocolate, make this recipe. You will simply never be the same.
The day is nearly done and I am taking off the apron for the day. A sense of domestic well-being is washing over me.
Ah, life is good.

7 thoughts on “Shake & Bake 101”

  1. Oh, I wish I lived closer. We could do those supper swapping clubs I hear about. I can’t get women to join in here. Old farts.

    Hmmmm, chocolate. No fair. *sticks out lower lip*

  2. You had me at turkey soup.

    I hope the eye surgery goes well. Have you looked in to blogging dictation while you’re recovering?:)

  3. It all sounds yummy, MB – but kinda hot work for a summer day. I can appreciate the need to do it, though.

    Yep – those brownies do sound sooper dooper!!


  4. I will have to try this recipe. Wow, you were busy in the kitchen!! I guess you will have plenty to eat while you recover from surgery! Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Mom,
    Sent you an email about next week…did you get it? I sent it to the dp@mc address, if that is the correct one to use?
    Talk soon!


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