Savannah The Star!

On Saturday I woke at 4:45 AM. I got up and the dogs looked at me like I was crazy. But I was so excited! Saturday was Savannah’s Play Day! She was one of the cast members in Suessical Kids!

I had no idea what to expect, but being the loving, happy, Oma that I am, I knew that anything Savi was doing would make me very happy and bring tears to my eyes! And such was the case.

After getting myself showered and ready, and realizing that if I left my house when I could have, I would have gotten to my daughter’s home nearly two hours too soon! So, I sat down, had some coffee and something to eat, and killed time.

Soon enough I threw the last of my things in the car and headed down to southern New Hampshire. Arriving just about on time. When I came in I discovered their babysitter had cancelled at the last minute, but they’d figured it all out, so even though it had added some stress, they’d just decided to go with the flow and actually take Quinn to the afternoon show.

By nine o’clock, Mandy, Savannah and I were headed to Milford, NH where the Playhouse is. We got there with plenty of time for Mandy to apply Savannah’s make-up and then off she went.


I really am impressed at Savannah’s independence! Was I so brave and daring when I was her age? Possibly, but that was so long ago…

While Savannah was preparing to go onstage with her fellow actors, Mandy and I went to buy her flowers and I got her a heart shaped stained glass ornament for her window.

Then we raced back to the theater, where we met up with our cousin, Janet, got our seats, and settled in to be divinely entertained by these wonderful, talented children!


I was so delighted to watch Savi, and I will admit to tears flowing at the end. I was not sad, just bursting with happiness, watching this amazing little girl!

We waited to pick her up after her costume change, and Mandy gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She immediately pronounced them…delicious! And they really were!

Then, Janet, Mandy, Savi and I drove to a Hibachi Restaurant, where we met up with Savi’s Daddy, Matt and brother Quinn, her Nana Mary, her grandfather Bob and Uncle Robert. We sat down around the grill and the show began!


Lunch was not only super tasty, but the Hibachi show was so much fun. Somehow, this was the first time I had done this, and it tickled me so much!


Savi helped feed her little brother and they both ate very well. The Chef was funny giving the adults Saki by squirting it in their mouth, and the kids wanted some too! He changed the bottled to plain water and called it “Baby Saki” and the two kids squealed in delight!  I have decided that we simply must do Hibachi again!

After lunch we raced back to the theater for the afternoon performance. Once again, Savi scurried off with the other kids, and Mandy and I waited until the doors opened and we got an entire row and a half for seats for the family and friends who were coming to the afternoon show.

One by one, the family showed up and the seats were filled. By chance I was in a seat looking down an empty isle and I was able to take some pictures!


Savi is fourth from the right!




And here she is, in the coveted role of the “Elephant Bird” popping out of her eggshell!

After the play, we brought Savi home, and we all settled in for a relaxing evening. I noticed that Mandy and the two kids were snuggled up under the afghan that I made for her.


My time with them ended the next morning, after a pleasant sleep in the guest room with Savannah. I’d forgotten how sleeping with a five and a half year old is like sleeping with a cat. They stretch, they roll, they stretch again, legs are draped over your body, as are arms and feet! But I wouldn’t have had it any other way!


My last picture is of Mandy, Savi, Janet and me at the restaurant. One of my favorite pictures of the day. My family is everything to me!



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