The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Well, here we are. Another week has gone by and Friday is upon us! I don’t know about you, but this week flew by for me! Perhaps because I was so busy, having accomplished a lot of Spring Cleaning (even if Spring refuses to arrive!), and a trip to Portsmouth as well. Yes, it’s a long drive down and back, but I just love Portsmouth, NH!

It is once again snowing, and as I count down the hours to the end of my week, here are 5 things that have been on my mind.

  1. Sunday we had three inches of heavy, slushy snow, that sort of turned to ice. What a mess! The good thing about Springtime snow (and I use the term Springtime loosely), is that it melts fairly quickly. Such was the case, but not until after my beautiful white shepherd, Lili became a massive muddy mess!
  2. The first tick of the season made its way into our house. It was just a little before their first dose of flea and tick medication (May 1st) so I decided to start the medication early and will do flea and tick medications on the 18th of each month.
  3. I had gotten a ham a week ago and got it out only to discover it was a spiral cut ham. Ugh! I cooked it as best I could and it came out terrible. So dry. I know a lot of people like them, but this was too lean and being pre-sliced just worked against it. No more pre-sliced hams for me.
  4. Thursday found me roasting eggplant for my lunch. I love eggplant, and roasting it up for lunch, is one of my favorite things to do.
  5. One more week and I will be going to Cape Cod with my cousin, Janet and my sister, Melodie. I love our trips to Falmouth and our walks down Memory lane. This time we decided to go to two different restaurants. Please say a little prayer for good weather while we are there.



Janet, Mel, and me!

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