Arrive Alive

I was coming home from grocery shopping, driving along, singing to a slow and soft tune, enjoying life. The day was beautiful, the sky, blue, without a cloud, and life, this precious thing, was very good.

In front of me there was a large SUV. The man was driving slowly, but I didn’t care. The music was good and the day so pleasant.

Then I looked behind me. I saw a very young woman in a small sports car. She was pushing her hair off of her forehead and I think she was swearing due to the 40 miles an hour we were all driving. The next thing I knew, she pulls out and starts to pass me and the SUV in front of me, just as she pulls even with the SUV, I see a car coming in the other direction and the SUV puts his blinker on to turn to the left!

In my minds eye everything slowed waaaay down. I could see an accident about to occur. The woman hit her brakes and veered into my path. I stepped on my brakes, allowing her the room, but ready to go off into a man’s front yard if I needed to. But luck was with me and somehow it all worked out. However, I do not think the young woman has perfectly round tires anymore.

After the SUV turned and the car coming in the other direction passed us, “Sports Car Woman” does the exact same thing. Only this time she gets by another car and speeds off. My prediction is, she will crash her car in the very near future.

Once she was gone and I was alone on the road I sat there thinking how so many people miss the big picture. New Hampshire’s back, country roads are not a very good place to drive like that. It’s actually better and preferable to arrive at your destination in one piece.

Then it dawned on me. These are the thoughts of a middle aged woman. One who knows that life is precious and should never be taken for granted. One who knows that no matter who you are, you are not invincible.

I arrived home, hugged Hubby and our dogs and thanked God that a real tragedy had been averted.

7 thoughts on “Arrive Alive”

  1. Yikes, I’m glad you didn’t get into an accident.

    Over the weekend on an onramp to a highway the person infront of me stopped. Since they weren’t going that fast in the first place I didn’t have any trouble stopping, but the two cars behind me both had to swerve. I hate how people just drive without common sense. Just think about what you’re doing and we’ll all be a little bit safer!!

  2. People have no idea the power they hold behind that wheel. Don’t they watch the news or read the paper? Life is just so precious and why would they risk yours or anyone elses just to get to their destination 2 minutes faster.

    So happy you are safe.

    Take care,

  3. That is one of the reasons I do not drive. When I lived in Connecticut (EVEN IN THE SNOW FFS) people would drive like that. We had roads that wound around hills and down into valleys and had many, many blind spots. There were alot of roads reknowned for accidents due to the black ice, but that never slowed people down. EVER. I was *terrified* of being on the roads in Winter.

    Over here I can just tell you how bloody thankful I am that it does not snow up where I am. There are so many bad drivers that I actually fear for my life walking down the footpath. It’s horrible.

  4. Isn’t it great to actually appreciate life? I don’t know when it happened to me, but I don’t do NEARLY the number of stupid things I did when I was younger. When you realize you aren’t invincible, everything seems different.

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