Pressing Grapes

Today was grape day here in New Hampshire. The Concord Grapes, so deep, dark and purple were harvested yesterday by Hubby. They grow wild on our property and all you need to harvest them is a good ladder and no fear of heights. Needless to say, that’s why Hubby did the climbing. I had to remove the grapes from the stems, clean them, crush them and cook them.
Once that was done I pressed them for their juice.

MB ala I Love Lucy

It is fairly labor intensive work, one I do with plastic gloves on because grapes stain skin unlike anything else. I could just see myself presenting Greta to the judge with purple fingers! Now that actually made me laugh while I worked.

Hubby picked more today, (giant frown) and I told him that he simply had to either sell them or give them away. I didn’t want to have to do more of this, as it is also apple season and in the next few weeks I’ll be making apple sauce to freeze.

It’s all been fun though, growing our own fruits and vegetables and then canning them to use over the course of the winter. Emily brought over a friend today and showed her all the things we have canned this year. The young girl’s eyes got very large in her head. I smiled and said that we’re getting ready for a big snow storm this winter 😉 .

9 thoughts on “Pressing Grapes”

  1. Nice legs. :p~

    What do you use to freeze your stuff in? I bought some containers for Kira’s food, but the lid doesn’t stay down where it’s supposed to, so her vegies will get to the point of freezer burn. 🙁

  2. So…I’m curious and vain.
    Did my comment motivate this post (a la I ♥ Lucy?)

    If so….I bow and grin. If not, I’m happy that great minds think alike!!

    For ‘e’:
    I use the Food Saver. Got it at Sam’s club for about $112. Much better than the one I bought in the late ’80’s for $250. I use this thing all the time. I put leftovers on a paper plate, vacuum and seal and stick it in the freezer. Then later,I reuse the bags for other items like cheese, half used veggies…etc. I thought I would put the thing out of site, off my counter but I use it several times a day so I can’t. I’m going to buy more canisters because there are so many more uses for them.
    I blanched a bunch of garden veggies, vacuum packed and froze them. Then, I tried one of them a week later, tasted just like I picked and steamed ’em within the last hour instead of one week ago.
    For keeping my veggies fresh but not vacuum packed, I use T*pperware’s fridge fresh stuff…with the littel vents.

    My SIL sells it and it has been the best investment, especially since we buy those expensive organic veggies that don’t seem to last as long in the fridge (thank goodness)so I don’t have to go to the store every few days.
    Anyway, just FYI.
    P.S. So MB, when I come out I’ll show you how to make candies & chocolates and then we can be Lucy AND Ethel!!!

  3. Peaches, Cucumber, Apples, Grapes, Tomatoes and I am sure many other graden veggies. It is when you get your own cow and start making your own dairy products that I am going to have put to a stop to all this incredibly talented self-sufficeint living! Sounds like hard work!

  4. Ohh! Concord grapes are my favorite. My roommates had a cat that loved them, as well as blueberries.

    You are so busy with produce, it is so nice of you to share, yummy.

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