Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Oh my, what a day! I knew it was going to be a busy one. I looked at my date book last night and hit my head! Why had we scheduled so much on one day? Because we’re insane, that’s why!

Hubby picked 3 bushels of near perfect MacIntosh Apples, and sorted them.

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While he was working on this I went out to get my monthly treatment at the Fountain of Youth. This is my time to be pampered. I love what my hairdresser, Margarita, is doing with my hair these days. She is fantastic and I really enjoy our visits.

No sooner had I raced home, than I made lunch for Hubby and me. We ate quickly and set off for Hubby’s appointment with our doctor. He had to have a small cyst removed from his earlobe. I stayed with him, even though I know he would have been fine without me. Mostly I was curious to see the entire event.

It, was fascinating! When it was finally removed, I was shocked at how large it was! I know, ewwww, but really, fascinating! Three stitches later and we were out the door.

We raced home and I grabbed Fritz and the two of us went to the Vets. It was time for Fritz’s yearly exam and shots. He was such a good boy and I was very proud of him. He weighed in at 76 pounds even, and was just so sweet with the Vet.

I came home to find that Hubby was gone and so was Greta. I knew Hubby was bringing our apples to a local farm stand to sell,

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but I didn’t know he was going to bring Greta. It turns out that not only did he bring her, but he was showing her off all over town! Daddy’s little girl!

By the time he was back and the dogs were fed, we started dinner. Keeping it simple, we made tacos with all the trimmings. It was done, eaten and cleaned up quickly and finally I was able to relax.

Tomorrow? Nothing that has to be done. Just some laundry and some writing and visiting some blogs I haven’t gotten to in a while. I just love days of doing not much at all. Those are the best!

7 thoughts on “Busy, Busy, Busy!!!”

  1. Okay,
    #1 see I told you I come by before I go to bed at night.
    #2 you are evil incarnate. Just rotten to the core. You temptress you.
    #3 how much for the apples? Yes, how much for the apples? What? My mom ships me Mac’s every year. How much and will you take a check? No, I’m not kidding. It’s either buy them from you or buy them from Atkins in western Mass. S’up to you. But I want apples.

  2. Thos apples are fantastic…and I’m not a big apple fan but those make me want to sit down and chow down….

  3. Hi there Mom,
    Hope all is well. Things are busy, busy on my end too–we must have that in common!
    Hope you get to have a great, relaxing day today!

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