Summertime vs Wintertime

The pitter-patter of raindrops fell on my air conditioner, as I opened my eyes on Friday morning. Ah yes, the cool front was here! After over a week of 90+ degree days, filled with high humidity, today this cold front moved through, and cleared the air!

I do love summertime when the air is warm, the sun shines, and I don’t have to get my coat, hat, gloves, boots, and scarf on, just to go out and walk the dogs.

However, I am one of those crazy people that enjoy the somewhat slower pace that wintertime affords. I love the fact that when I go to bed in the winter, it is actually dark. I love the fact that it is nice and cool and I can make winter soups and stews in my cast iron pot! And I love that after we have snowfall, I can let the dackels go out without their leashes, and because the snow can get deeper than they are tall, they will race out, perform and then race in.

Jan 22 008

Summer is always nice, though. With beautiful sunsets, bright blue skies and the wearing of very few articles of clothing. I love the beach, I love the fact that fish fills our markets and that cookouts abound!


However living in a summer tourist area, means our little town of roughly six thousand people, more than quadruples. Traffic is bad, there are no parking spots, and it’s crowded.

Winter is wonderful because the streets are nearly empty, and when I go out I see the people I have come to know in our town, and life is…slower.


The fact of the matter is, I love our home during all four seasons here in my little town. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. With the exception of three weeks in the Spring, we call “Mud Season”. That is because I own a White German Shepherd, who loves to jump in mud puddles!

I really cannot pick out which season I like the very best. I love them all. Each one has their special qualities. Ad each season has birthdays of my loved ones that need o be celebrated!

6 thoughts on “Summertime vs Wintertime”

  1. I got very tired of icy roads & snow for 6+ months a year in the Colorado foothills (50 some years of it). Pretty … but driving on the roads with crazy drivers was enough after we retired I wanted beach! lol

    Pretty pictures.

  2. Hi Anni, I wish my husband felt that way. He is a snow and ice-man and I cannot get him to move. I do love the snow, but just wish we would move to Southern New Hampshire, closer to the grandchildren and the beach. Yes, New Hampshire has 18.57-miles of shoreline. Although some say it is actually 13 because the 18.57 is if it is driven over bridges, etc. The straight shot is 13. Anyway, we have friends down there and the homes are lovely, but still, Jack will not budge!

  3. I don’t like winter here because it mostly rains and is not cold enough for snow. I could easily skip autumn and winter ! and come back in spring and summer !!

  4. How boring it would be to live in a place without four seasons. There is even a brief period when I look forward to winter, but that quickly passes.

  5. I enjoyed the warm temperatures so much, but today it’s cool again since a long time. I want to move out of our house and into a nice apartment without yard !!! But my stubborn Mr. G. gets a nervous breakdown when I talk about my dream. It wouldn’t be right away because of the cats but certainly in a couple of years. The house is too big too for two people !

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