The Stomach Flu

On Friday my stomach decided that I had seen better days and rebelled. I looked at food and felt my tummy do flip-flops. Even the smell of food did not sit well. And I had a small fever.

Jack and I tried to figure out what was wrong. Essentially we had eaten the same things the last few days. However, the question remained, had I eaten something wrong? Food poisoning? Or, was this a summer type stomach flu?

I managed some Chicken Noodle Soup in the afternoon. You know, the old-fashioned, condensed soup? I threw into the mix some crackers, and that seemed to settle things down for a while.


I then went to bed and slept for two hours. Something I almost never do unless I am really ill. Bed felt wonderful, and Arnie was my nurse. He is such a wonderful dog. (I am still happy that the woman who wanted to buy him from me, all those years ago, changed her mind!)

I did eat dinner. Mom used to say that plain white baked fish, was good for bad stomachs. Along with boiled potatoes. So, despite feeling terrible, I baked some Haddock, and boiled some potatoes and ate that.

It wasn’t too bad, and I held it down. At 9 PM, Greta decided to go to bed, and so I also went and snuggled with her and Arnie. I had the TV on and wanted to watch a show, but my eyelids dropped and I fell asleep. And this morning, I cannot recall what I wanted to see.

Saturday morning found me still feeling pretty terrible, and I am not sure what I will do today to settle the old stomach. I’m out of soup so I’ll have to send Jack to the store, and maybe I will take some chicken breast out of the freezer to try to eat for dinner.


Meanwhile, this has to be great for my diet! After all, what did the late, great, writer, Erma Bombeck say about the being sick? I believe she said, “I am always one bout of stomach flu away from my goal weight.” And so it is with me!


One thought on “The Stomach Flu”

  1. Ugh, I hate stomach bugs. I always revert to the BRAT diet – Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Dry Toast – although I have heard that plain boiled potatoes (and probably the plain fish you mention) will help as well. Feel better soon!

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