Wednesday Happenings

My day started off gray, rainy and very cold. The wind was blowing and as I walked the three dogs in my slippers, nightgown, and jacket, I could feel the wind blowing on my knees and chilling me to the bone. Thankfully, a hot shower was the next thing on my list to do, and boy did that shower feel good!

I’d slept a bit later Wednesday morning, so I was really going quickly through my morning routine getting ready for WW.

I took the wonderful shower, dressed quickly and then did my hair. All I can say is that I really need a dip in the fountain of youth, as hiding my gray roots is getting harder and harder. Thank goodness for curly hair!

I raced out to the kitchen to prepare an Egg McMuffin to take to class with me, and I put the egg in the container, poked the yolk several times and put it in the microwave.

30 seconds. Good. Check the egg and all was well. 20 seconds. BOOM! It flipped the egg poaching container wide open!

I didn’t have time to redo it, so I took the somewhat exploded egg, put it on the toasted light English Muffin and wrapped it in tinfoil.

Off I went to class.

Honestly, I’ve been struggling, but I refuse to give up. The class was good, and afterward, when our Leader was giving new people a rundown on the program, many of us stayed after to listen again. I’ve just got to do this.

I had to return some wine glasses to TJ Maxx. They were too tall for my dishwasher. But as I was getting ready to leave I saw the cutest Vera Bradley purse in sort of a bright and wild color. Havana Rose. It was so cute and for the bargain price of $29.99 I could not say no.


I did find replacement wine glasses at Homegoods, and two smaller Christmas Dackel Glasses that I sort of splurged on. Yay!

dackel glasses

So Wednesday was a good day.  I have gotten a lot done and stayed eating the good things I should and not straying from my diet.

Life is good!


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