The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Here we are, the last weekend of October! How in the world did that happen? I remember Jack and I sitting here on New Year’s Eve as we toasted the New Year, 2018, and thinking about the year ahead. Now here we are, and the year is nearly over.

Before I get carried away, here is this week’s Friday Five.


Oh, one thing, until my Web Designer gets my Comment Button installed (I hope this weekend!) in order to leave a Comment, just click on the Title of the days Post and it will take you to the Comment Page. One day it will all be fixed and I will be sooooo happy!


  1. The glasses came back and they are perfect! It was such a weird thing to have the coating they put on (Anti-glare, anti-scratch), cause a problem.


    They say it literally never happens! Ha! If something weird and strange is going to happen, it will and has happened to me!

  2. I will be driving to the coast of New Hampshire today for a doctor’s appointment. I sure hope the wind calms down, Right now the wind is howling and I do not look forward to driving in all that.
  3. My daughter sent me a picture of the kids as they slept while she got ready for work. I never realized how much Savannah and Quinn look like each other!


    These two really adore each other. I think it is wonderful when siblings are as close as these two.

  4. They are forecasting Cold, Rain and or Snow, and high winds again this weekend. I think I will stay in, do laundry and make Sauerbraten! Doesn’t that sound delish?
  5. Have any of you been following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (Harry and Meghan) and their trip to Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Figi? As Meghan is in her first or possibly second trimester, she has been smiling and excited to show off her baby bump.

    Harry Meghan

    The happy couple is beaming and Meghan is wearing a plethora of bright and colorful dresses. She looks lovely and it is nice to see after the dark colors she wore the first few months of her marriage. She needs to relax. She really is an amazing woman.

So that’s it for the last week of October. So much is happening in the month of November. I’m really looking forward to it all!


One thought on “The Friday Five”

  1. The comment box is here!! I LOVE your glasses!! Those two kiddos are adorable and how great that they love each other and are so close. Safe travels on your trip to the coast!! Meghan is a beautiful woman and she does look great in those bright jewel tones! Snuggle in and have a great weekend!

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