Life, Turkey’s And Dogs

Winter suddenly arrived last night when our temperatures dipped into the low 20’s. I was wearing my new fleece dachshund pajamas that my sister gave me, but when Greta got me up at 4 AM to go outside and commune, in the dark, with nature, I really froze my butt off! Once inside, I raced back to bed and dove under the warm heavy blankets!

Today we took the grocery list in hand and headed to the market to purchase all we will need for Thanksgiving. The stores were actually not too bad. We were able to get in, shop and check out quickly. Then we packed up the car with our groceries and a 17 ½ pound turkey into the car and headed home.

Emily came over and we made pizza and planned our cooking. Tomorrow we will make the stuffing and the pies and peel the vegetables and set the table. Thursday we will cook the turkey, and making the appetizers.

This morning when I was due to leave and pick up Hubby to go and shop, Fritz decided to take off. He was gone for some time and I finally got into the car and went looking for him. Unfortunately I found him very close to a main road. It scared the heck out of me and I yelled at him until my vocal chords were strained! It really added some excitement to my day!

The little mother to be, Greta is doing well and getting bigger every day. Her appetite has increased and I am afraid I will have to start feeding her a third small meal, at noon.

Oh yes. I’ve definitely felt the puppies move!

17 thoughts on “Life, Turkey’s And Dogs”

  1. Sounds great Maribeth. We’re having turkey day at my house this year, for the first time in years. That means that Jack (!) finally painted the kitchen. Not that I did nothing, the sanding left so much to clean. Anyway, it’s done, new curtains up, new “stuff” and tomorrow it’s cleaning and shopping day. My mom insisted on bringing the turkey, so my sis and I are sharing the rest. Can’t wait! Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday too, much more so than Christmas. Although, since we’ll be in Prague this Christmas, I may have to change my mind! Have a great holiday. Michele

  2. Cool the puppies moved!

    We aren’t having Thanksgiving here. Maybe I’ll pick up a rotisserie chicken at the traveling market tomorrow and have a simu-Thanksgiving.

    Happy 17 1/2 pound turkey day!

  3. Maribeth
    I’ve been viewing some cute videos on dachshund puppies on Youtube. I’ve saved them on my Youtube playlist on my Youtube channel if you want to see them.

    We discovered last night that Daisy loves to view videos of dachshund puppies. She was really intrigued by the Video “Puppy Love”. I haven’t shown the others to her yet but I will.

    Also check out my latest pet music video “Splish Splash”.

    ICL YouTube

    Have a great day cooking! I know you love it!

  4. Hi Mom,

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I am sure we will talk tomorrow. I will be with Dainya and her family most of the day, and of course, will log some good football time too! My office closes at 2pm today, which is very exciting!

    Hope you enjoy your day of cooking and prepping today!

    Can’t wait for those puppies to arrive! Won’t be long now!



  5. That’s a large turkey! wishing you a delighftul Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I will go to the gym for you, lol
    Did you feel the puppies move? how wonderful!!

  6. Oh how exciting!!!! I can’t wait until they’re born. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving – I so wish we did it over here!!!

  7. Such a full day for you! So happy you got your baby back home and safe and sound! I hate it when my dogs run off like that. It always scares me!

    I’m so excited for you and the puppies to be! Ours are getting so big! =)

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