My Life, Or Something Like It

Have you ever noticed how you make all these great plans and then a few things happen and everything gets rearranged?

This week I had Anneliese into the Vets about her left eye. We will bring her over to Portsmouth, NH on Wednesday afternoon to see a Canine Ophthalmologist.

20181009_204237It’s sort of strange but Jack has known this man since he was a baby. Jack flew with his father way back in the day, for Pan American World Airways. I am hopeful that he can help Anneliese. She may not have much vision left in that eye, but if he can at least save it, that will be good. I will not entertain the worst case scenarios. Anneliese will be just fine. I know it.

I was due to spend the night down at Mandy’s after watching both of Savannah’s plays. Sadly both Quinn and Matt are sick, so it just wouldn’t be a good idea. I’ll meet up with them for the 2:00 performance and then drive home.

I may actually go down early so I can do a little Christmas shopping. But I will have to see how that all works out.

As much as I have claimed that I am not nervous about the biopsy, I admit, I am. I was worried about a few things last night and my brain clicked on about the biopsy and at 2:00 AM I was wide awake. I could not get back to sleep.

After an hour I put on a movie that I know so well, that I don’t have to follow it. I close my eyes and I let the music carry me away. Usually, I am asleep after about 10-15 minutes.

I will be very glad when we are past Thursday next week and cruising toward the weekend. I plan to go to a few Christmas Bazaars and also relax.

But for right now, I need to put one foot in front of another, relax and try to remember that it will all be okay. It’s just that my middle name is worry-wart!

Today, Saturday, my only plan is a little housework and then this afternoon while it rains like crazy, I plan to sit and crochet. Savannah keeps asking me about her blanket.

I hope you all have a marvelous weekend!

5 thoughts on “My Life, Or Something Like It”

  1. I will keep you in my prayers for a negative biopsy! I hope the Vet can save your sweet pup’s eye. It is always hard when our fur-babies are hurting. Hope you can relax some this weekend… catch a nap when you can!

  2. Often what you worry about most turns out to be a not a problem but you have missed the one that sneaks up on you. It is futile to worry, but we can’t help it.

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