Another Rainy Day!

Our day was warmish, (55 degrees) but rainy and windy and it left us feeling like we wanted to simply hibernate. However, it was recycling day and Jack had me gather everything to go to the dump.

The Highlander was loaded up and off Jack went. Poor Arnie was so disappointed, but the car was full with nary a spot for Mr. Arnie.

While Jack was gone two interesting things occurred. First, we had about 10 mini rail cars go down the track. Twice a year these little vehicles all gather to ride the rails. Here is what these mini rail cars look like. Have you seen them?


It was fun to watch them all speed down the tracks. They’ll go pretty far north, spend the night at one of the hotels along the way and then return tomorrow.

After that the dogs let me know that we had a flock of Hen turkeys in the yard. I didn’t see a Tom, but I admit, I loved seeing them all as they fed on the grass, leaves, and grains in the yard.

turkey 3

This got me thinking about Thanksgiving, and I started looking at recipes for the big day. I plan to cook a traditional meal that day, But I want to choose recipes that are easy to cook. One thing I am thinking about doing it to cook the butternut squash the day before and have it in a casserole to be reheated in the oven. Since I always prepare the stuffing the day before, making the butternut squash that day will be a breeze.

I rewatched “The Blind Side” on HBO. What a great movie. Sandra Bullock stars in it, and she is so good. The movie also has a great message. Just do it. Help someone, for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do. It’s what the Tuohy Family did and they found that love multiplies and is color blind.

I cooked a nice dinner, did some laundry, and got everything set for tomorrow. I sure am looking forward to Savannah’s play.

3 thoughts on “Another Rainy Day!”

  1. We loved Blind Side too. Great movie and message! That mini rail car is so cute! I’ve never seen one before. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner!!

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