13 thoughts on “Saturday Scavenger Photo”

  1. Maribeth, your picture is so pretty! I love catching pictures like that one, totally unexpected! =)

    How is your little mama? Hope all is well!

  2. Me, living in the south now, it’s cold looking that snow. But, the composition of the photo with the starkness of the red amongst the white is beautiful!!

    Mine’s up.
    See if you can guess what it is.

  3. It’s beautiful, Maribeth, truly beautiful!!! wonderful choice.
    I haven’t changed to beta blogger and I am not going to, the thing is I thought blogger had forgotten all about my blog since I got the news yesterday only that I could change if I choose to do it.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! The red tulip gives one a sense of life’s amazing surprises, it is just gorgeous! I think this should be on a Hallmark card, it is just so lovely.

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