Greta 12/9

Greta woke up this morning with a lower temperature. This usually indicates that the puppies will arrive sometime in the next 12-24 hours. I sure hope so. She also doesn’t seem to have any appetite, and has been shivering (this is all good!). So keep your fingers crossed!

8 thoughts on “Greta 12/9”

  1. Dearest Maribeth,
    thank goodness you put this short entry on the page…. Now I know everything is going the right way. Be sure, I keep crossed all fingers and toes for Greta´s babies will arrive soon and all will get well. I am with you in my thoughts dearest friend.
    Love Uschi

  2. Oh goody…clap, clap. You go Greta girl! I hope her labor is short and easy on her and all the babies are healthy. She will be in my thoughts all day. Hang in there grandma Maribeth cause I bet you are a nervous wreck right now. Keep us posted.

  3. My fingers and toes are crossed! I think the shivering is a very good indication, and if she seems confused like she doesn’t know where to lay down, then get her to the birthing area. The first puppy could come very fast, the next 4 might take a little longer. I am praying for you all! I predict 3 strapping boys, 2 girls…and 6th one- -a tiny boy surprise at the end. Keep us posted!

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