We’re joining Terri at Your Friend From Florida
1. It may be a little shocking, but National Static Electricity Day is January 9!! Do you often get shocked often when you touch metal?
I do in the winter up here, when everything is so dry. For some reason this year, it has not been bad.
2. There are actually two “National” days worthy of mention! It is also National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Our men and women working in many areas of law enforcement put their lives on the line for us daily. Do you know someone working in law enforcement who you can thank today?
Many. Most I do not know their names. When I had my car accident, years ago, so many policemen worked to save us. I am forever grateful, and thankful, even though I do not know their names.
3. At our house right now it is all about football. Joe’s Philadelphia Eagles barely won their game on Sunday to move forward in the playoffs and another chance to play in the Super Bowl this year. Do you have a favorite team in the playoffs or does football make you yawn? Is there a Super Bowl party in your future, no matter the teams playing?
We’re New England Patriots Fans in this house! We have been all our lives. Through the very bad times and the good times. The joke is with both the Patriots and the Red Sox, we know how to celebrate because we had so many years of great suffering! LOL
4. Speaking of parties, there is always lots of food at parties I attend. Tell us a weird food combination that you really enjoy (or have enjoyed). It doesn’t have to be party food.
The Charcuterie Tray I made on New Year’s Eve was amazingly good. Besides the crackers, I served warm pita bread. You can add or subtract almost anything. I had one on Cape Cod that also included honeycomb and that was heaven.
5. Since we are on games and parties, what game have you spent the most hours playing?
Scrabble. Words with Friends. I am not much of a gamer really, but to kill time I like word games.
6. Tell us something random about your week so far.
My excitement is growing. Just 8 days until we will be leaving for Disney! It is snowing here in New Hampshire today, gray skies and just 16 degrees! I am ready for Orlando, Florida and warm temperatures, green grass, and no snow!
Disney! I’m so excited for you! I love a charcuterie tray and yours looks delish.
I like word games too, my favorite! And that platter looks wonderful! Also the sidebar pic of the two little aspiring chefs. So cute!
Your charcuterie tray looks divine!! We call the same thing antipasto here in this house. It is COLD (for us) tonight with temps diving into the 40 and our high tomorrow will only be 61. Things are due to warm up by your arrival!
Hope you have a blast at Disney.