I was pregnant, for what seemed like forever. In February of 1976 I found out that I was expecting my first child. The truly amazing fact here is, I’d been told when I was a teenager that due to some serious “female” trouble, it was doubtful I would ever carry a child. Guess they were wrong.
My due date was November 29th, but by mid December both my doctor and I thought perhaps I had miscalculated somewhere. I was pretty sure I hadn’t, and eventually an amniocentesis would prove me correct.
Finally on December 20th at 9:15 in the morning, Amanda Mae came into this world! When I saw her little cherubic face, and pouting mouth I was instantly in love and believed that it simply couldn’t get any better than that one moment in time.
But, I was wrong, it kept getting better and better. As a small child she amazed us by advancing so fast that she literally scared us at times. She took her first steps at 7 1/2 months old, and was talking in long sentences by a year. She grew so fast that before I knew it she was ready to go off to school, and she never looked back.
Over the years she was like a sponge soaking up all the knowledge and information that was offered. I could see a frustration at times that the information wasn’t coming fast enough, and with that frustration an anger too, but she kept striving and working, not just academically, but personally.
She was forced to endure something that many young girls at the age 8 should not have to, and yet she did not allow that to taint her outlook on life.
Mandy has grown into a fine, loving, beautiful, and intelligent woman. I look at her, and I listen to her and I am proud of the fabulous person that she is. I don’t just love and admire her because she is my daughter, but because she is also someone that I call friend.
I could never find all of the words to say how special Mandy is or how much she means to me, but today I want to tell her how I feel and to wish her a very happy birthday!!!
I love you, sweetie! You are the best Christmas present that I ever got! Happy Birthday!!!!
isn’t she lovely
isn’t she wonderful
isn’t she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love wed be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn’t she lovely made from love
isn’t she pretty
Truly the angels best
Boy, I’m so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I cant believe what God has done
Through us hes given life to one
But isn’t she lovely made from love
Stevie Wonder
Happy Birthday Amanda!
You both look so good in those photos!
Thank you so much for my stocking stuffer. I’m sure one of those wirehairs will fit nicely into it and hubby won’t even notice the squirming and squeaking. I’ll just blame it on Daisy and he probably won’t even notice that there’s another wiener dog in the house. LOL
Happy Birthday Amanda! Maybe your mom will give you a puppy for your birthday LOL!
Happy Birthday Amanda!!
Happy Birthday to your daughter! 🙂
Happy Birthday Amanda
Happy birthday, Amanda.
Beautiful post, Maribeth, love the pics and to look at different generations. Your daughter is a beautiful young woman! congrats!
What a beautiful post. At first I didnt understand why we didn’t have a puppy post, but then I realized that Amanda’s birthday is WAY more important than puppies. Happy Birthday, Amanda. It seems like you hit the jackpot with your mom!
Thanks Mom, for the nice post and slide show! I appreciate it! I can’t believe I have gotten so old (and I know, 30 is not old, but I am out of my 20s, and that is a slightly scary prospect!)
Can’t wait to meet the puppies! See you soon!
Love you,
Awww…tell your now grown up baby that the girls and I said Happy Birthday!
What a sweet post and I love that slideshow! Happy Birthday Amanda.
Happy Birthday to Amanda!
Happy Birthday Amanda! What great photos and wonderful memories!
Happy Birthday, Amanda 🙂 I hope you have a GREAT day!
Aww Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!! What a gorgeous slide show 😀
She seems to be taking “old age” well, don’t you think? Happy Birthday, Mandy.
That’s a beautiful post and I love the slide show too 🙂 Happy Birthday Amanda!
Happy Birthday Amanda!!
Happy birthday Mandy! Beautiful post Mari. It took me right back in time to the time that Marty and I drove to Falmouth for our first sighting of baby Mandy and a double date with you and Bob. Ohmigod, where has the time gone?!