Before I start, there are **spoilers** from the last episode of Season 3 of Masterpiece Theater’s “Victoria“. So, if you are watching it on your DVR stop reading and come back later.
Okay. There was so much going on with the International Expedition, Victoria’s rotten sister, and of course the Long-Suffering Duchess Sophie, who was locked up by her vicious husband and threatened with an Insane Asylum because he discovered her having an affair with a lowly footman.
How would they wrap it all up for Season 3?
As for the rotten sister, looks like Feodora will be hitting the road, now that Albert finally saw through her, and in many ways I am glad. The actress is too good at her part and had me totally disliking her! Ha!
Duchess Sophie knew the Queen would come to her rescue. Their conversation where the Queen basically told Sophie she knew that Sophie’s husband did not appreciate her, made her rescue of Sophie expected. I loved it when the Queen put it to Sophie’s husband and demanded Sophie appear at the Expedition.
What we do not know, is will Sophie run off with her handsome footman, or will she stay in service to the Queen who rescued her, and be available to her own young son.
Albert and Victoria are getting along so much better than they did in Season 2, and I am thinking that they have rekindled their love. What does this mean? Well, probably more children. Had Albert lived, they more than likely would have had a dozen children!
I am enjoying the costumes, the scenery and the rather soap-opera-ish telling of Queen Victoria’s life.
The acting is marvelous, and the casting is quite good. In Season 1, I wasn’t sure that Albert was well cast, but he has grown on me.
Jenna Coleman is perhaps too beautiful to be playing Queen Victoria, but she is a wonderful actress and has made Victoria her own.
Tom Hughes as Albert does a good job. As I said above, he has grown on me.
So now Season 3 has ended. Hopefully, there will be a Season 4! But for now, you can watch Season 1-3 on Amazon Prime. If you are into Historical Shows, this is a good one to get into.
We enjoyed the show but I am not sure what series we are up to. I think maybe series 2 ended not long ago.
We have SO enjoyed Victoria!! She and Albert had 9 children so there are still two to come if the story stays true to history! It was really fun seeing the culmination of the Crystal Palace and that it was a success. Amazing architecture for that time. Bertie is growing up… such a spoiled child in the last few episodes. I am SO glad the rotten sister is leaving!! LOL On to season 4 – hopefully!! I don’t think the Duchess will leave her son. Sad for her footman.
I love, love Victoria and was disappointed not to see Sophie’s decision. I think she will stay with her child. But then again, who knows? I think the actors are all fabulous, but I wish they would trim Albert’s hair. It drives me crazy! You’re right about Victoria’s sister. I couldn’t stand her. I think Bertie ended up being a spoiled king. Did you ever watch Lillie Langtry on PBS many years ago? She was one of his mistresses.