Puppy Thoughts

Jan. 21 Mon and Arnie

Today the puppies changed, yet again. Today they wanted dry, crunchy food. How did I find this out? Well, I had Anneliese out in the kitchen running around, and she went over to Fritz and Greta’s dish and started to chow down on the dry food. I picked up their food, because I wanted her to try the dry puppy food I have, and she loved that! As did the rest of the puppies when I offered it to them.

So, besides having their dinner of crunchies and wet food mixed together, they also got dry food after. Talk about a group of happy puppies!

The other thing that Anneliese did today was chase after Uncle Fritz. The poor boy is so worried by the little puppy, and here he was running away from her in the kitchen, and there was little 4 pound Anneliese chasing after Fritz! Now I am going to have to try to get this on film because it is just too funny!

Anneliese simply loves Fritz though and she seems incredibly unafraid of his size. Greta watches, but she has not made any threatening gestures towards Fritz. I think eventually he will relax. Maybe once we are down to just one pup.

I was thinking about that today. The pups are going to be 7 weeks tomorrow. Most breeders kick the pups out at 8 weeks. I am choosing not to do this because I believe that their socialization skills become better developed, and looking at how small they are, and how much time Greta still spends with them, I simply cannot fathom letting them go at 8 weeks.

Yet, I know that time is running out, and soon their new owners will be coming to pick them up and take them to their new homes. Although it will be a really sad day for me, I feel good at the homes we have found for our babies. We have just one female left to find a home for, and I hope in the next week or so to find a good family for her.

The weekend of March 4th (Their 12 week birthday), will be a tough one for me.

3 thoughts on “Puppy Thoughts”

  1. OOOOOOOO that is tooo adorable – Fritz being chased by that little one! What a doll that big fella is.


  2. Oh I’m sure it will. Well at least you will have the fun of raising a new puppy with Greta and Fritz. It will soon be spring and time to take them outside which will be whole new adventures all together.

    Happy Puppy Day to you MB!

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