7 Weeks Old

This morning Hubby and I took Anneliese and Arnie out to play with their Mommy. They ran around for a while, but then Greta lay down and nursed them. The video below shows Arnie on the left and Anneliese on the right. Be sure to have your volume up because there is a surprise ending.

It was also a very busy day for the puppies with visitors. First my daughter Amanda brought her sister to see the pups. Allyson is 15 and a really sweet person. She is the daughter of my former husband. I enjoyed meeting her and I could see the resemblance between Mandy and her sister.

Jan. 28 Mandy and Anneliese 004 Jan. 28 003

While they were here we took pictures and played with all 5 pups. Emily (the Puppy Nanny), was also here and we somehow managed a two hour play period in the family room without one accident! Yay! It’s amazing to watch the puppies now. A month ago when Mandy was here the puppies were just eating and sleeping. Now they are so grown up and are “real” little dogs.

Jan. 28Anneliese 011
Jan. 28 Arnie008

Mandy and Allyson left and Emily and I watched a DVD I made of the pups life from birth to 7 weeks. It’s about 35 minutes long. It was so much fun to watch the tiny puppies grow before our eyes!

Then Paul and Stephanie came. They are adopting Anja and they wanted to show Anja to Paul’s girlfriend Tracy and her daughter, Emily. We all sat in the puppy room with the pups and cuddled and played with them. I can tell that Paul and Stephanie are really looking forward to the day when Anja goes home with them. It makes me feel good to see them bonding. Anja is so perfect for them, and I am really happy!

After everyone left I made dinner and cleaned up the puppy room again (for about the 100th time today), and fed the little ones. They ate up a big dish of food, and then they all crawled into a bed and fell asleep.

Another day ends at Puppy Central!

3 thoughts on “7 Weeks Old”

  1. I was thinking about you today for some reason, hope everything is ok! Love the pictures, and it’s cool you got to meet Allyson 🙂

  2. Morning Mom,

    Your pics came out well; I will watch the puppy video after my comment…. Just wanted to say thanks for having us up yesterday! Allyson loved the puppies (and I truly enjoyed seeing them–and visiting too)! She and I drove up farther north after our visit, and hit two really nice spots for some photo taking. I thought I had properly uploaded my photos for sharing, but will have to check again when I get home! Will email you a link then!
    Have a great day, and thanks again!
    Love you,

  3. The video is so cute, it make me want to forget that we have 2 dogs and 3 cats and go out and find another dog! They are getting so big and look really feisty. You must be having a blast with them. I was catching up on all of my “e” stuff and saw your post on your daughters birthday. I think that I saw her, when she was pretty young, but (somehow;) I don’t have an exact memory. You know that how that happens sometimes?? I can’t believe how many years have gone by. It is unbelieveable. I think the last time I saw Bob (my old 2nd grade buddy;) was at our 10 high school reunion. If you ever get to Cape Cod, let me know, I’d really love to get together. We can “do” lunch, Michele

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