The One About Newspapers

I’ve decided that there is something in the scent of fresh newspapers that causes puppies to proceed to wee-wee and poop on them. Now although this is a good thing as far as house training a puppy goes, it is also rather maddening, when you are trying to keep a puppy room clean.

We went skiing today. It was cold and windy, but the snow conditions were awesome and we had a good time. We only skied until noon, and then came home to the puppies. I opened the door and I knew that my little cherubs had been working overtime decorating the newspapers in the puppy room.

So, I got out an old playpen and set it up in the kitchen, put the puppies in there, and then took everything out of the puppy room and washed it down. Once the floor had dried, I put down fresh newspaper, their toys and beds and then put them back in with a bowl of their food.

Now before they even had one bite of their lunch they all went around and wee-wee’d on the papers! I stood there watching, and decided to let them eat their food before I went in and changed the papers again, and it was a good thing I did. After lunch each one went to the papers and pooped!

After I got done cleaning up that, I sat down and played with the babies. They climbed on me, they chewed and licked and snuggled. It was a lot of fun.

They slept for a while, and I could see them as I stood in the kitchen working on dinner. Oh they are so sweet. Then they woke up and wanted their dinner and the cycle started all over again.

Did I mention we no longer bring our newspapers to be recycled? Now we go to the recycling center and get newspapers from them!

2 thoughts on “The One About Newspapers”

  1. Morning!

    Got your message back last night–thank you for sending. I can be a needless worrier at times! 🙂

    Love the last pic especially–it is like the puppies are all just mauling you (except for the one Greta is playing with!)

    I’ll also have you know that my bulletin board at work is offically filled with puppy pics!

    Have a great day!



  2. Hey MB…have you read the book by the Monks of New Skeet? I believe it’s called The Art of Raising a Puppy. There is a section in there on testing the puppies for different types of behavior in order to help them find homes and possibly “jobs”. It’s a good book.

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