The Friday Five

The Friday FiveFor me, this week seemed to go by at a snail’s pace. I haven’t felt well this week, so each day just seemed to go on and on. Luckily, we are at the end of the week and there is the weekend ahead. Here are the five things going on here right now.

  1. I have not felt well for a while. I mean I feel okay, but I’m having trouble eating. Odd. I’ve had to go on a very bland diet, which is no fun, but I have no choice. Jack finally suggested I need to go to the doctor. I’m going on Tuesday.
  2. I lost 3 pounds at WW this week. Now before anyone says woo-hoo, this is not the way to lose it. I joked with a friend that I need to ride this stomach thing for about 20 pounds! lol!
  3. I spent Wednesday afternoon, preparing the peaches and oranges and rind and sugar for my Heavenly jam. Then Thursday I made the first batch and it came out beautifully! However, disaster struck my second batch and the bottom of my beloved heavy soup pot burnt the fruit and sugars! It all went down the disposal and I will need to start all over today! Ugh!
  4. My pot was so badly burnt I wasn’t sure I could clean it. But I used Bartender’s Friend (Basically Baking Soda) and Vinegar. Put that in the pot and then brought the vinegar mixture to a boil. I let it cook for about 5 minutes and presto! The pot was clean! Whew!
  5. Jack and I went to the opening night of Downton Abbey at our little local theater.
    MV5BMmQxNGRkMjYtZTAyMy00MDUyLThiNmYtODI1NTkyNmI0ZTNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjM4NTM5NDY@._V1_There wasn’t an empty seat. I’d sent Jack out after lunch to purchase our tickets. Good idea! Our theater has new recliner seats! They were so comfortable. The movie was wonderful and I enjoyed every moment. Jack enjoyed it, even though he has not seen all of the TV Series. The cinematography was amazing, the costumes beautiful and the acting fabulous. A great way to start the weekend!

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