2019 will be a year I will not easily forget. This has been the year that I have had to learn how to cope with and let go of many people who were very dear to me in life. I guess that everyone reaches a certain age when they start losing their peers, and so it has been for me.
There have been nine wonderful souls that departed my life this year. Several were very close to me and the pain I felt at their loss was very deep.
Now I am faced with yet another good friend being terminally ill. I know it will not be too long until she passes from this world to the next. She called me yesterday, out of the blue. I was cleaning my bathroom, but I stopped and talked to her. She told me she is now in Hospice Care. So, I know the time is close.
I’ve never handled death terribly well. I would cry and cry and go through periods of great depression after. But, somehow Candy taught me so much.
Since her passing, I have found a new relationship with God and when I feel unable to cope, I literally give it all to God. Ever been in a grocery store and heard someone say: “God, I can’t take it anymore so I’m taking all the problems and giving them to you!”
Yes, that was me. Whenever and wherever I am, I give it to God. It seems he is always around for me.
Psalm 119:114 – You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
I also find that by asking for his help, I am comforted.
Jeremiah 33:3 – Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
It’s a place of deeper knowledge and comfort.
I’m glad you find comfort in the psalms