The Friday Five

The Friday FiveHere we go. January is slipping by rather quickly, and I know in the blink of an eye February will be upon us. I know, this week alone, just sped by me. Here’s what’s happening!

  1. Well, we all know I had my eyes examined. Now I could not find a new frame that I liked, so I gave them my current frames to make the new glasses and I brought with me my last pair of glasses.

    received_1184590678359718Me and my much-loved frames! I will be so happy when they are back!

    I didn’t realize just how much I dislike these frames. (below)

    IMG_1286These are the old frames and even though they are small, they just do not sit well on my nose. They never really did.

    They are so uncomfortable. I will be happy when I have my glasses back!

  2. After WW Class on Wednesday, I went to see one of my doctors down in Portsmouth, NH. All went well, and I am good for another 6 months. The ride down was so nice and pleasant and the sun was shining. I had packed a lunch for myself and as I drove home, I nibbled on it. Truly a nice day!
  3. Then on Thursday, I was supposed to bring Anneliese in for a recheck of her urinary tract infection. However, when I woke we had our first major snowstorm going on.20200116_070059

    Pretty,  Yes?


    The schools were closed, the roads messy and there were many accidents. So, I called my Veterinarian and postponed the appointment until Friday. So, we hunkered down and enjoyed the bright whiteness of the snow.

  4. If you have never spent time in the snow like this, you will not be aware of the magic. My favorite thing to do is go outside alone, stand in the middle of my yard and listen to the absolute silence! There is such peace.

    P1160022 (2)My Downey Woodpecker came to the feeders on Thursday and he hung around long enough for me to get this picture.

  5. I’d hoped to see Mandy, Matt & the kids this weekend, but tomorrow we are due for another 8 inches of the white stuff. When we take Anneliese to the Vet’s, later on, I will stop at the grocery and pick up a few things to help me bear getting snowed in over the weekend!

3 thoughts on “The Friday Five”

  1. I agree with you about your old frames. They don’t suit your face. If you are happy with your current frames, why not. I had completely forgotten about the silence in the snow. The snow looks so pretty.

  2. I also prefer by far the bigger frames, they suit better to your face. Ever since I had the cataracte surgery I don’t wear glasses anymore that’s now 3 years went last week for a check up every thing OK. Since my 30th I have worn glasses at least for driving and TV and then all the time so now I am still looking for my glasses and have to smile because I don’t have them anymore. I like the snow on the countryside but when I drive to the city center or to Brussels it’s just disgusting, so dirty and then the streets are often not cleaned ! Terrible. We are not used to snow and that you can see !

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