Are We There Yet??

Have you all seen the Garmin Navigation commercial on TV? The one where the husband and wife are arguing about her reading of the map and then suddenly she balls it up and throws it out of the car? Then the basketball player (whose name I cannot recall), hands them a Garmin GPS and they punch in a few numbers and all is well.

This has happened to Hubby and me more times than I care to admit, (The map arguments) so, for Father’s Day I bought him the “World’s Easiest Navigational Tool!”


I sort of looked it over, figured out how to type in an address and thought I probably had it figured out.

Well, let’s just say, the 78 page users guide should have tipped me off. No sooner had we gotten in the car then the argument began. Basically he thought I should know how to use it, and I thought that since he was used to operating glass cockpit airplanes then an automobile GPS should be nothing.

Well, we were both wrong. This thing is truly mind boggling for a first time user. You can be sure that we will be reading and testing it out before our trip to Canada and to DC later this year.

Do you know why I got this “wonder”? Because I simply am “map reading challenged” when I am in a moving vehicle. My brain doesn’t work that fast. I usually say stuff like, “Oh yeah, that last exit 7 miles ago? That’s the one we wanted.”

I will be studying…..I wonder if there will be a quiz before the Canada trip?


It is Bike Week here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. One can step outside and hear the low grumble of Harley engines in the distance. Yesterday I was sitting at my desk when I heard a biker revving his engine at the beach down below us. The puppies, of course, have never heard a Harley engine before, so when they heard this great rumble they stopped their play and became alert, fearing the unknown.

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June 9 001

Soon the biker in question finished his revving and off he drove, the sound of his engine growing dimmer as the time passed.

The puppies have been having trouble when they go out to doing their business because they hear the drone of the engines in what is usually a quite and tranquil spot. The drone starts early in the morning and continues all through the day and past the time when we all go to bed.

Last night Arnie was feeling a bit unsettled while I was watching the TV. He tried

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but could hear the rumble and so he woke up, looking very unhappy.
June 9 007

The traffic is a nightmare, and forget about going out for dinner for the next week, as all the restaurants are totally full all day and all night long. However I try not to complain because our area merchants really need this 10 day period of time to fatten their coffers for yet another season. I remember how our favorite restaurant served only about a dozen patrons on Valentines day this year due to a heavy snow storm. So, Bike Week helps them to stay open at times like that.

I’ve tried to tell the puppies not to worry, and to relax, but right now they just know that the grumbling monster is out there and they want me to protect them from it.

And I do. After all, Daddy doesn’t have a noisy Harley, he has a nice quiet 1981 BMW R-65! Now that is a nice quiet bike!

Getting There

This morning I had appointments with two different doctors, whose offices are 10 miles apart. The first appointment was for 10:15 the second was for 11:45. I was not at all stressed because I believed that I would have plenty of time to drive the lovely country roads of New Hampshire from point A to point B.

I arrived at Doctor #1’s building right on time. The first problem I noted was that the elevator was broken, and his office is on the 5th floor! I climbed the stairs, huffing and puffing, but made it to his office before hyperventilating! I collapsed in a chair and sat waiting. Finally 15 minutes after my appointment he called my name. The appointment went smoothly, except I kept worrying that I would be late for the next appointment, so I had a lot of trouble thinking (not one of my strong points). I am so glad that I’d written all my questions down in advance

When the appointment was over, I raced down the stairs. The fact that I had 20 minutes to get down the stairs, get to my car, and drive the 10 miles to the other office seemed to light a fire under me. You see, there is also construction on the one road that goes between point A and point B!

I drove faster than usual (I am a granny driver) and made it to Doctor #2’s office, arriving right on time! I checked in and sat down. I waited and waited and waited. Doctor #2 was a half an hour late.

Somehow I could forgive him. You see, he is leaving his practice to work as an Emergency Room doctor, so he can spend more time with his children and wife. He’s been a wonderful general practitioner for us and we have enjoyed him not just as a doctor, but as a friend. We talked a lot about his life, his wife and kids, and what is truly valuable in life in general. When I left him we hugged and I told him that, should he ever start his own practice, I would be his first patient. Both Hubby and I really admire this young doctor.

When I got home Greta was waiting for me in the driveway. I walked up the steps and saw Hubby working on weeding the lawn. Fritz was playing with a ball, and then I saw two little puppies by the stone wall. I put my hands over my head and yelled, “Arnie, Arnie!!” And he came running full speed toward me. Then I called to Anneliese and she also came running! What a greeting.

Hubby and I worked turning the soil in the garden this afternoon and got about half way through. Besides growing fruit and vegetables here in New Hampshire, we grow a lot of rocks! More seem to surface every year. I hope to get the rest of the garden turned tomorrow and then do the corn planting this weekend. The vegetables will be transplanted on the last day of May.

The sun was shining all day, not a drop of rain. All is right in my world!

This & That Wednesday

We’ve started to plan a trip to Nova Scotia in July. Hubby’s family is from that beautiful spot, and this summer they are having a family reunion. This is the fun side of the family! I am really looking forward to the time we will have there and seeing all of our wonderful family!

Our usual house sitters won’t be back yet from their trip, so the biggest challenge is finding someone crazy enough to stay here with our pooches and house sit. I thought and thought and wasn’t sure what to do, when one of our neighbor’s stopped by with her daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law seems to think she would be fine and have no trouble handling the crew, so perhaps I can go off with Hubby for a few days and relax.

Wednesday finds me headed back to Boston for a recheck on my eye. I’m sure all is well and this will be just a formality, but Dr. W. insists that she see you 1 day after, 1 week after and 1 month after the surgery to check on eye pressure, the stitches, etc. Hubby will drive me and if I am a very good girl perhaps he will take me out for lunch at the Indian Restaurant near her office.

Hubby finished mowing the lawn last night and I went out to take a look. It was so beautiful. Springtime is like that. Flowers are blooming, the grass, the tree leaves, all are turning that deep emerald green and when you look out over on the lake you can see the circles in the water telling you that the fish are rising.

The earth has once again been reborn.

Fruits & Vegetables

We went for a ride today in search of another fruit tree for Hubby’s small orchard. Well, it once was a small orchard, but since he has expanded, it is now a medium sized, back yard orchard. Although not all of the trees are productive yet, many are, and in a few years we will be functioning as a small fruit enterprise. I can see Hubby packing up his fruit for the town’s farmer’s market and all of this done with the biggest of smiles on his face. He really loves the care of the trees and the harvest of the fruit.


Our Orchard now has:

3 MacIntosh
2 Cortlands
3 Empire
3 Macouns
2 Golden Delicious
1 Gala
1 Spy Gold
2 Winesap
1 Cox’s Orange Pippin
1 Red Stayman
1 Enterprise (A surprisingly good Apple that has a long shelf life)

1 Stanley Plum (I love to make jam with these!)
1 Castleton Plum
1 Mount Royal Plum

1 Moonglow Pear
1 Clapps Favorite Pear
2 Red Bartlett Pear

1 Lapins Cherry
1 Stella Cherry
2 Bing Cherry
1 Black Tartarian Cherry

2 Reliance Peach (My favorite)
2 Finger Lakes Super Hardy Peach
1 Elberta Peach
1 Richhaven Peach

Wild Concord Grapes (The best for Grape Jelly!)
Seedless Concord Grapes
New Hampshire Reliance (A hardy canadice type) Grapes

In any case, we didn’t find another fruit tree. My man knows what he wants to see in his fruit trees and apparently he didn’t see anything that made him happy, but we did see two flats of tomato plants for the garden, so we got those and brought them happily home.

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The tomato plants

These tomatoes will join my cucumber, eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, butternut squash and corn plants in my garden. Currently they are all sprouting in the green house until we are sure that we’ve had our last frost. Usually that is Memorial Day Weekend, then we will be replanting everything outside except the tomatoes, which I will continue to raise in the green house.

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My seedlings

We were out longer than we anticipated and so we stopped at a small restaurant and we got two orders of fried “whole bellied clams”, coleslaw and fries. The lunch was so good and we enjoyed the brief stop. Then we headed back to the house where our puppies, all four of them awaited us.

We walked them in the yard, I watered my vegetable plants and Hubby watered his fruit trees and then he headed off to the store to get the weeks groceries. Although I am doing really well, I was feeling a bit tired, so he volunteered to do this without me. I have no worries at all, as he is one of the few men in this world who can do this job as well as I can.

Yes, I’m a lucky girl!

The Family Dackel

On Saturday I found I was running a temperature. Nothing too high, just enough to make me have chills and retreat under my blanket with my sunglasses on. I found a little nurse who simply would not leave my side, and seemed to enjoy sleeping curled up next to me under the blanket. Yes, Anneliese is really a little snuggler. A great love and a super kisser!

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Arnie and Anneliese

Arnie is developing into the neighborhood watchdog. He loves to sit in the front window and watch the people walking by below, the boats on the lake or the cars driving by. He is also fascinated with the recently returned ducks and is always so excited when Fritz walks by the window. Occasionally he gets up into the chair to check me out, but he sees that Anneliese is doing a great job, so off he goes.

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Arnie and Anneliese

Greta loves her independence. She will go out with Hubby and Fritz when they are in the yard planting trees or watering the new ones, she also loves to go up the hill and sit under the peach tree and watch the house. She is still the only doggy we have in bed with us, but once the pups are house broken I’m afraid we will be a three dog bed. For now, nighttime is Greta’s time for snuggles and cuddles and attention.

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Arnie, Anneliese and Greta

Fritz, follows Hubby all around. Inside or outside, up the hill, down the hill, it doesn’t matter. He is his Daddy’s boy and faithful beyond words. I think in my minds eye, when I think of Hubby I will always think of him with a White German Shepherd by his side. Fritz is Hubby’s 6th White German Shepherd. His third with me. As much as I have an affinity for my wire-haired dachshunds, he has the same with the White Shepherds.

all dogs

I hope that this fever burns itself out soon, in the meantime, I’ll stay warm, drinks a lot of herbal tea and snuggle with my puppies!

Happy Birthday Hubby

Today is my darling Hubby’s birthday. So I wanted to wish him the best of birthdays, and the healthiest of years ahead. You have made my life full of so much happiness and wonder as we share our days. Thanks for being you!
Happy Birthday, honey!
(press volume button on video to start music)

‘I would rather have had one breath of his hair, one kiss from his mouth, one touch of his hand, than an eternity without it.”

The Worst Is Over & Other Exciting Things

The worst is over and Hubby and I are on the mend. We both actually ate “real” food today, and started to regain our health. I went out and got my hair done, picked up the mail and Hubby actually got out of bed and put on clothes. He even took care of the puppies while I was gone. Of course he had the help of Fritz and Greta with the puppies so he wasn’t completely alone.

I arrived back from my “dip in the fountain of youth” to find a hungry Hubby and four hungry dogs. I put on my apron and “whipped” up an easy meal for Hubby and then fed all four dogs. Then the fun began as I tried to get the two puppies to do all their business outside.

Anneliese is pretty easy, in that when you bring her out she knows why she is there and will usually perform. Although she will often not perform all her business during one outing. Two, I can handle. Arnie on the other hand is still a bit of a dumb bunny. He will head for the newspapers in the puppy room and I will call to him. I’ll race outside with him and he will then stand there looking at me like I am the one who should be doing something. So we come back in and two seconds later he runs out toward the puppy room. I race after him, and run outside (grabbing my coat, hat and gloves) only to have him stare at me blankly again. I bring him back in and just as my fanny is hitting the seat he runs back to the puppy room.

I jump up as if shot out of a cannon, and race outside with him again. This time I forget my hat and gloves but I have the flashlight and can walk further out into the doggie poop mine field with my puppy. I finally help him find just the right spot and he goes! Woo-hoo!!! Then there are Milk Bones given all around in celebration.

I worry that I am truly insane trying to raise two pups at the same time. Then I look down in my lap at the two faces of the pups sleeping there and I realize that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Nineteen Years

Today is our 19th wedding anniversary. I have spent countless hours trying to put into words how I feel about my loving husband. Then I stumbled across this wonderful poem by Sharon MacFadyen, and her words said everything I was feeling in my heart.

Happy Anniversary, Honey!

wedding photos
A Gift Of Love

Author: Sharon MacFadyen

My gift to you is my love
Given from deep within my heart
It is the best I have to offer
And its yours until this earth we depart

You have captured a part of me
A part so very fragile that I am in fear
For it is my heart I have lost
To you my love, the one I hold most dear

I chose to love you now
With all that I have and all that I am
And I pray that God follows us
To guide our steps as we cross this land

For it is with His blessings
We will live most at peace with each other
For He is the reason after all
We found one another …….. I Love You!
