Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins

So…here we go!

1. Three things I must have on my Thanksgiving table: Chestnut Dressing, Cranberry/Orange Relish and mashed Yukon Gold Potatoes.

2. Today, after I make the turkey soup, I want to gather the dachshunds and get sacked out on the couch.

3. This is a weird day, with ice and snow and white gray skies.

4. I am longing to decorate the house for Christmas.

5. Oh, man, thankfully it’s a day where I can stay in.

6. I would like to perfect the art of delicious cooking.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to reading my book, tomorrow my plans include getting our tree down and start to decorate it and Sunday, I want to Finish decorating the tree and put the candles in our windows!

Friday Fill-Ins are sponsored by my cousin Janet. Come on and join the fun!

Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins

So…here we go!

1. Why does Christmas come so close to Thanksgiving? I mean, these great eating holidays are murder on my diet.

2.Before I die I want to see the world.

3. Thank you for all the blessings in my life, dear Lord.

4. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I love cooking all of my favorite dishes.

5. I am SO thankful that there is a God in Heaven.

6. I think we can be what ever or do what ever and become whom ever we make up our minds to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to putting up my feet and relaxing, tomorrow my plans include a trip to the grocery shop and Sunday, I want to read the newspaper and make my grocery list for Thanksgiving. It will only be Hubby and me, but I still plan to cook a full meal for the two of us, with all the trimmings!!

Friday Fill-Ins are sponsored by my cousin Janet. Come on and join the fun!

The Dog House

Happily, Anneliese is doing much better and today, she even allowed me to take a picture of her. She is getting up and around much more, and has been going for walks with me and runs in the yard. It’s so nice to see her getting back to her old self once again.

Aug 21 004


Meanwhile today I was looking for Greta and I couldn’t find her! I went walking around the house calling her name and nothing! Finally, I walked up the hill to my neighbors house to see if she had seen Greta. I didn’t even have to ask, for there Greta was asleep on her door step!

My neighbor’s grandchildren are visiting from Oregon, and Greta simply adores them. The year I brought Greta home from Germany Matina and James were visiting their Grandmother for three weeks and that was enough for Greta to fall very much in love with them!

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After her trip up to see the kids, she came home and took a little nap.

One really great thing about each and every one of my dogs is that they are all characters, with their own personalities and quirks!

Also, if we didn’t already have enough dogs of our own, tonight we had a guest.

Aug 21 011

I was going out to walk Greta when I saw this dog sitting on our patio. Before I knew what was going on the other three dogs brushed by me (Fritz knocked me down!), and were all over this poor thing.

The dog was lost and scared. Once we put the four Dackel Princess dogs in the house, Hubby and I examined it to make sure it was okay. I called a few neighbors, but no one knew whose dog it was.

Then we called the Police and they were going to come and take it to the Dog Pound. A few minutes later, they called us back. They’d located the owner and within 15 minutes they arrived to collect the poor dog. It turns out the dog is a rescue and had only been with them for a week.

All I can say is…what a nice dog. It looked like a cross between a Boarder Collie and an Australian Shepherd. I sure hope she is okay now and won’t run off again.

If she does, then I hope she ends up back here at the Dackel Princess house, where we can take care of her until her owners come.

My Saturday

Saturday was a day of many jobs. The usual job or laundry and meals, the same and not so terribly exciting, and then the other jobs, which were a bit more thrilling, and so I will share them with you.

I went out for a walk with Anneliese early so she could get some good exercise. We enjoyed the walk, despite the already warm temperatures. We arrived back home and Anneliese came in and lay down on the rug and stretched out to rest!

July 17 022

Can you just see that big beautiful puppy belly? This picture really made me smile!

Then I took Greta and we went to the garden to do some cutting. My garden is so lush this year and extremely prolific!

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The things that are growing the best are the squash and zucchini and the cucumbers. In fact, after giving away more squash today I still have enough for more than a week in the fridge. My friends had better watch out or I will bring some over!

July 17 012

I then stopped to cut some of my Japanese eggplant, called Ichiban. They are long and thin, but oh so sweet and delicious! Here you will see them in the basket with the summer squash and zucchini.

July 17 013

I decided then to make our bed with fresh sheets and a clean blanket, but while I was stripping off the old bedding, Arnie decided to help!

July 17 001

Then I decided that I’d better use up some of my cucumbers before they went bad! I got them out and made my first batch of Bread & Butter Pickles. I made 7 pints of wonderful pickles! Oh, how I love those!

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As the day passed, Anneliese took another nap. This time stretched out on the sofa. She really is looking pregnant and happy.

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You know, she is due three weeks from today!

I can hardly wait!

Oh, The Fun We Will Have!

You know. Having had Anneliese since the moment she was born, gives me a unique perspective into the type of dog that she is.

Dec 10 018a

The most amazing thing I’d seen was when Anneliese was delivered into this world and came out squealing. I remarked to Hubby that we shouldn’t keep that one! Little did I know…

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She would slowly start to grow on me. She would do the cutest things that made me smile. She never let the fact that she was a wee bit smaller than her brother and sisters keep her down. She would stand up for herself and play with wild abandon!

Feb. 18 Anneliese2


And she worked her whiles on me, until I started to slowly, completely, fall in love with her.

March 9 001

Me with Anneliese

She is three and a half years old now. We have traveled around the northeastern part of the USA, and into Canada. We’ve gone to Germany, twice. Each night she sleeps nestled up behind my knees.

Jan 31 015

Me with Anneliese

At this point in my life, I cannot imagine her not being in it. Now we have my girl facing motherhood for the second time in just a few short weeks. Once again, it will be me and my girl. We’ll handle the birthing and caring of her babies together, just like we did before.

April 27 014

Anneliese and her first litter

I can hardly wait to see what these puppies will be like. What they will look like. Oh, the fun we will have!

May 17 014

Not long now at all!

What I Do For My Dogs!

About 3:30 in the morning on Wednesday, I was awakened by Greta, who was not feel tip top. She was fussing and I knew she needed a little bit of her medication, and so I got up and got them, and came back and gave them to her. After I washed my hands I went back to get into bed, and Greta was asleep lying across my pillow, quite happily asleep!

Now, what do I do? Wake my little girl, who already isn’t feeling well, or get up and go sleep on the sofa?

April 07 10 016

If you guessed that I took a blanket and an extra pillow and camped out on the sofa, you would have been right! I slept on one side until my hip began to ache and then I turned and slept on the other hip until it started to ache. I slept on my back, and actually managed to sleep until 7 AM, when I got up, more for self preservation than anything else.

Later I was off to Weight Watchers (this is a don’t ask, don’t tell week) and then work. I really love my job and the people I am working with, so despite the brutal heat, I had a very good day.

I arrived home to find that Hubby had cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher and even picked vegetables from our garden for dinner. I quickly sauteed up a few things, placed them all on a plate and served dinner.

Now I plan to collapse and watch my Soap before hitting my bed, a little earlier tonight. I have a full day tomorrow, and need to catch up on my sleep.

Friday Fil-Ins

Friday Fill Ins

And…here we go!

1. On vacation, I like _to do very little work_.
2. _I love to swim_ in the ocean.
3. One of my favorite vacation spots _a cruise ship anywhere_.
4. _I love a _ full moon.
5. Up, up and away _my beautiful balloon_.
6. Bananas _and monkeys_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _hugging my sister_, tomorrow my plans include _see all my family_ and Sunday, I want to _come back home to my Hubby and fur family!!!!

Answers provided by me.

Shrek Feet

Okay, I know I have pretty ugly feet. I accepted this long ago. With feet, there is not much you can do about it either. Just cover them up and hope that no one asks to see them, and that your partner doesn’t break off the relationship when he or she does!

Why am I bringing up feet right now, when all my thoughts should be surrounding Anneliese and our trip to Germany?

June 10 002

I woke up yesterday morning with “Shrek Feet”!

shrek the third SPLASH

See the similarities?

It has been unmercifully hot here in Berlin. Last night when I went to bed it was nearly 90 degrees just in my room and not much cooler outside! So, yesterday morning when I woke up and my two feet looked like meatloaves, I was more than a little concerned.

I decided I needed water. I drank and drank, but noticed that the liquid was just staying put. Uschi and I went to the Apotheke and spoke to the Pharmacist who gave me an all natural fluid pill. Eventually I should get rid of the fluid. (and so far they seem to be working)

We came back home, I drank a ton of liquid and took my pill. Then we both sat with our feet up and watched TV.

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Even Anneliese came out for a while. Uschi’s dog Noah, went outside under the sprinkler, so until he dried off, he was kept out of the house. Anneliese didn’t mind that at all!

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In fact on this trip, Anneliese has made herself right at home. She loves her Uncle Volker and her Auntie Uschi, and considers their furniture, her furniture!

June 10 007

Yesterday we also went to a discount shoe store and bought a pair of sandals for the trip home. I still cannot get my puffy feet into my shoes, so velcro sandals to the rescue!

On my last day here, we are going in to Potsdamer Platz. It is a wonderful area to shop around, and most of it is well shaded. I am taking Uschi and Volker out for a meal today and Potsdmer Platz has many nice restaurants there. If Uschi’s and my feet hold up, we may walk around the Tiergarten and enjoy the sights. If our feet give out, we will have Volker drive us back home.

It is hard to believe that my time in Berlin is at an end. I so enjoy spending time with Uschi and her family, and going to the beautiful places in this country! Germany will always be my second home!

Gone To The Dogs

Tuesday morningĀ  I was trimming Arnie’s fur when Hubby noticed the grin on his little dackel face! He carefully got up and took this picture. Now I must admit to cropping the picture as I was in my pajamas, with my hair going in sixteen different directions and not looking too good! Instead, I cropped it so you could see his happy face!

March 21 10 002

After breakfast I was sitting in my recliner with my feet up checking email, reading blogs, when my coffee cup ran dry. So I went to put down my feet to go and get another cup, when “SCREECH!”. Yes, there was Greta underneath the footrest! I got her out, picked her up and listened to her growling at me, letting me know that she was not at all happy with me! Oh I felt so bad that I had done that. I am usually so careful with my footrest, but the one time I just put the footrest down without looking, Greta is there!

I cuddled her for a while and then I had to shower and dress and when I got back I found this.

March 23 10 002

Greta all curled up in my soft blankets! I tried to move her over to one side or the other of the chair, but I have to say, she was not easy to move!

March 23 10 001

Anneliese was limping for a while during the day and I am still not sure what was wrong with her foot, but tonight she appears to be better.

It rained all day and it made the dogs all quite crazy. All they wanted to do was run around outside, but they didn’t want to be out in the rain. Oh well, we have one more day, before the sun shines again.