Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Can you believe it’s the end of January? What was the best day of January 2017 for you, and why?

January 3, 2017. It was the day I met Dr. G. down in Boston, and he examined me and found out that I did need more surgery, because the other surgery had failed. I think you believe that being in pain is all in your head. Although the surgery will be extensive, I am confident that this will end the pain.

2. What sounds make up the background noise in your life?

Barking dogs, the low hum of the TV, (I watch movies again and again, not really watching, but just because their familiar words are just background noise in this crazy world) and music, always music. Of course, it is best if this is not all at the same time!

3. I read on the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life right now. They are-

anger outbursts, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead)

Which thing on the list do you most need to drop? Are you trying or will you try?

I have been working on this already in the New Year. I tend to have a wicked temper, so I have been trying not too. Regret and negative self talk? Well, I am sort of the Quess of that and I really need to stop.

4. What is sacred to you?

My faith, my family and my friends. God knows that I have a deep and abiding faith in him. I hope my family and friends realize that my love for them is also deep and is sacred.

5. January is National Oatmeal month. Are you a fan, and if so how do you like it?

Oatmeal is okay. Not a super big fan. I can eat it, but I don’t enjoy it. Sort of like eating wall-paper glue unless you doctor it up with brown sugar, etc.

6. What feelings does twilight stir up in you?

Hope. At the beginning of the day, it is the hope for the day. That good things will happen and that beauty will be all around me. At the end of the day, Twilight reminds me that this day is over, and I can relax and enjoy the night.

7. Something you’re looking forward to next month?

I know this is going to sound weird, so just be prepared. I’m looking forward to my surgery! I know initially it will be uncomfortable, but then the healing begins.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

In the last couple of weeks I have been taking roasts, chickens, and such, out of the deep freeze, cooking them up and making casseroles or soups or stews. Then I portion them out for meals, label and freeze them for Hubby to serve during my recovery. Yesterday it was the Cabbage Meatball Soup and today I am making a roast beef, and after I will make beef stew. Preparing helps me stay positive.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. “The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea.” (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree? Of the three, which has ‘cured’ you most recently?

The ocean has always been my cure all. Having grown up on Cape Cod, it always seemed there wasn’t anything that the grand Atlantic Ocean couldn’t solve.


I still feel that way, despite the fact that I live in the mountains now and don’t see the ocean as much as I once did.

2. What’s something you can’t eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all?

I salt my food a little. I like the taste of salt. I love salt on fried eggs, on grits, and baked potatoes. I also love salt on German Pretzels!

3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand…which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now?

Ah, the sands of time, as I sit here waiting for my cervical spine surgery. Just a couple more weeks and I will have the corrective surgery that, I hope will end my pain!

4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?

The Descendants, by  Kaui Hart Hemmings. It is both a book and movie. And I loved both. I think this was George Clooney’s best movie ever. It is set in Hawaii and the movie’s cinematography is spectacular!

5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so?

I made a list of everything I needed to do on Monday and get before Tuesday’s ice storm. One by one I checked off the list. Then this morning, sure enough, there roads are terrible. So glad we can stay in.

6. You’re on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling off the back of a catamaran?

50/50 at the beach and shopping. After all, I need to protect my skin!

7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?

Other human beings. Especially the ones in our lives. The ones we love.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I had an amazing thing happen yesterday. I was out in the driveway, and I called for Lili who was at the top of our drive. She stopped, looked down the hill at me, and when I called again, she can running full speed, and stopped and sat right in front of me! It’s taken me two years to get her to do that! I was so proud of her!!!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. ASAP typically stands for ‘as soon as possible’. What else could it stand for in your life right now?

ASAP still stands for As Soon As Possible, as I am awaiting my next surgery.

2. Are you the last person to speak up in a group or the first to have an idea? Why do you suppose that is? Is it a good thing or no?

I have a big mouth and most of the time it is going. I’ve been told to quiet down and let others have an opportunity to say something. I think probably I run off at the mouth because I was the youngest in my family and always trying to make everyone laugh, so I talked a lot!

3. What do you remember best about being 12?

Joining Rainbow Girls and wearing a beautiful white gown that Mom made for me. I loved Rainbow, and the lovely things it taught me and the friendships that last, to this very day.

4. January 18th is National Winnie the Pooh Day. Which character do you relate to the most, and why? If you’re stumped go here for inspiration.

Well I guess Christopher Robin as I am unlike the make believe characters in the books. I did like the books as a child, although I admit they were not a super favorite.

5. What’s an app you use that helps simplify or make life easier for you in some way?

WAZE. I love this App. It warns you of speed traps, heavy traffic, gives you alternate routes and shows you where gas and restaurants are. We used it all the way to Savannah and back.

6. San Francisco (CA), San Diego (CA), San Juan (PR) San Antonio (TX) Sanibel (FL)…you have an all expenses paid long weekend to one of these destinations. Which one do you choose and why?

Sanibel. I immediately chose that because it is so close to where i used to live, and I could easily hop on the highway and drive to Punta Gorda to see my friends!

7. Share with us a song that makes you feel nostalgic? For what?

This song “Lonely Boy” makes me think of my late brother. The dates add up, his birth, then my sisters, and although he was Mel’s best friend, life was not always kind or easy for him. He had a brain injury at birth, and although he was talented and gifted in so many ways, many people could not see past his learning disabilities. He would be 65 years old now, if he were still alive.

This makes me think of him, of his struggles and then of his death at the age of 26 from cancer.


8. Insert your own random thought here.

I made appointments for the dackels to get their rabies shots in 10 days. They are due right after my surgery, so we are going early this year.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What’s left to be done on your Christmas to-do list?

Wrap. I also want to see if Hubby can get down our mini tree to have out. We have no decorations up and I miss them.

2. The Hodgepodge lands on the first day of winter this year. What’s your favorite thing about winter?

Watching it snow. Not ice, but snow. Slow, big flakes and a fluffy white sky.

3. In what area of your life are you immature? Feel free to elaborate or not.

I do not handle being sick well. I sort of want to be babied. But let’s face it. At 58, I’m no baby, so I need to stop whining, and grow up!

4. What was the most (or one of the most) important lessons you learned in 2016?

To be humble. After my second spine surgery failed, and I had a medication problem, and all, well, I really lost it. I had to humbly take my lumps. Now, I have an appointment with a new doctor, and I am back in control. But this year? Yes. Being Humble.

5. It’s Fried Shrimp Day…are you a fan? What’s your favorite way to eat shrimp? Will there be shrimp somewhere in your holiday feastings?

I love shrimp. And yes, I plan to serve a shrimp cocktail ring the day after when my family come to visit.

6. What sound lulls you to sleep?

The TV. A dackel snoring, or the sound of an air conditioner.

7. What one word best describes your 2016?

Now that is tough. First one is JOYOUS! As our little Quinn arrived. But also, Disaster, as my spinal surgery failed. But let’s just stay with JOYOUS, as Quinn is so awesome!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Christmas is nearly here and I feel blessed. I have a wonderful family, and dear friends. Despite the challenges in life, I know I have the love and support of these people. That fills me with hope!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Are you more task oriented or people oriented? Elaborate.

People. I would rather be with people doing things than off by myself.

2. December 15 is National Wear Your Pearls Day…do you own/wear pearls? If you’re a man answering the question, does your sweetheart own or wear pearls? Everyone share a ‘pearl of wisdom’ with us here today.

I do have a lovely string of pearls that Hubby gave me for our first anniversary. Pearls of wisdom? Let me see.


3. Speaking of pearls…oysters? Are you a fan or not a fan? If you answered yes, tell us your favorite way to eat oysters? If you said no, be honest-have you ever tried one or does just the idea of eating an oyster make you gag a little?

I love fried oysters. Down south they really know how to cook em!

4. Time Magazine has named President-elect Donald Trump Person of the Year. Let’s take presidents and presidential candidates out of the mix for a minute. If a political figure had not been chosen who would you name Man or Woman of the Year for 2016?

I’m going to pass on that one. I’ve been rather disappointed by the world this year!

5. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2017 has been announced, and it’s a vibrant green aptly named-greenery. Your thoughts? Is this a color currently in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade for the new year? Click here to see the color.

Not much into green. I’m more a browns and blues lady!

6. Today I’ve had too much__

To think about. I need to watch some mindless TV to just shut my brain off.

7. Share a favorite lyric from a favorite Christmas carol.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What would you say is your strongest sense?

My strongest sense? Mmmm. Lets see. I think it is my ability to truly care about people. I may not always show it to people directly, but the depth of my caring for those I love is so deep. When they  hurt, I hurt, when they are happy, my heart soars. So I guess in a way, my greatest sense is the ability to “see” people in their truest form. More intuitive.

2. Do you believe in the idea of a ‘sixth sense’? Why or why not?

Oh I definitely do. And in some ways I think I have it. I have, at times, had very strong feelings I couldn’t explain, but made perfect sense to me.

3. When do you most feel like a slave to time? Explain.

Not too many times now. I really do try to keep my life low stress, and not cutting time short.

4. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How would you rate the experience? If you could own a restaurant what kind would it be?

I never really worked in a restaurant, although my first husband did, when we were first married. He was and still is an amazing cook! Anyway, if I could do one type of restaurant I would love to do a full, high tea restaurant. Oh what fun that would be!

5. Ever traced your family tree? Share something interesting you learned there.

I was raised in a very patriotic household. Several cousins served in the military and many gave their lives during World War II.

One who served, was the son of my grandfather’s brother Herbert, Private First Class Ernest Prussman, 13th Infantry Regiment. PFC Prussman took over his squad on 8 September 1944 during the advance on Les Coates in Brittany, and disarmed several Germans, including a machine gun crew. Shot by a German rifleman, his dying act was to unleash a hand grenade that killed the man who shot him. His Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously.



PFC Prussman was buried at the Brittany American Cemetery and Memorial in Saint-James, Basse-Normandie, France.

A street at Fort Benning, Georgia was also named after him. As was a a square in Boston at the corner of Faniuel and Goodenough Streets.

6. What did your childhood bedroom look like?

It was a pretty small room. I had two windows over the back door to our house. I remember I could hear the milk and bread man when he delivered our food before dawn. The windows had a storm outer window and I would sit on the side of my bed and play Barbie Dolls in the opened inner window with my sister, Melodie and cousin, Janet. My twin bed was made of metal piping that had been painted pink. And my sheets were white, and smooth as cream against my skin, and in the summer when the screens were in the windows I could almost always smell the sea.

7. Anyone who knows me knows I love…

My husband says eggplant, which is very true. My sister says, chocolate, which is also true. And I say my children and grandchildren, which are the most important parts of my life.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It’s been crazy around me lately. Besides Hubby’s falling, my grandnephew Luke, broke his leg in two places, my sisters cat died, and my credit card company took a payment out of my bank account TWICE, which left me with a zero balance! When I called to get things straightened out, they wouldn’t speak to me because they said Hubby was the account holder. After an hour of phone calls, with them and with our bank, the problem was resolved, but it made me very upset.
Our weather is now very, very cold, and we need to get the air conditioners in from the windows and start getting the house ready for the long cold winter!
Meanwhile, I also climbed into the crawl space above our bedroom and the master bath to lay the insulation back down and I discovered that I am not as flexible as I was as a 25 year old, and that I tend to break. By the next day I was in agony and I suspect I moved those darn bone spurs around in my neck.
On the bright side, I got my drivers license renewed and did not need to wear my glasses to pass the eye test!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What would you say is the best and worst thing about moving house?

Best, a fresh slate to decorate and settle into. New space, new routines. Love it. Worst thing, packing up and then unpacking. I’ve done it far too many times. Although, I see at least one or two more moves in my lifetime.

2. What’s moved you recently?

Watching to coverage of the flooding after the Hurricane in Georgia and the Carolinas. Seeing people being rescued via helicopter, and one segment where a Labrador doggy was huddled in a tree with flood waters around him! It was so upsetting. I watched the Weather channel and yesterday they updated the story to say that they had reached the dog and gotten him to safety!

3. Do you feel your life is moving forward, backward, or is on hold? How so?

Many things are happening right now. So many wonderful things with my grandchildren, as they grow and get bigger and do more wonderful things. Yet at the same time, I am worried about Hubby.He is not getting any younger and his health is a concern to me.

4. On the move, move mountains, get a move on, it’s your move, or bust a move…which phrase best applies to some aspect of your life right now? Explain.

It’s your move! I’ve been playing a lot of Words With Friends, and it seems like it is always my move!

5. What song makes you want to get up and move?

6. Your favorite snack to grab when you’re ‘on the move’

Popcorn. I love popcorn and I can always toss some in a ziploc bag or even buy a small bag of popcorn for the car.

7. What one accessory makes your house feel like home?

My red oak round table and china closet that were my parents. Of course when they had them, they were finished in a “mahogany stain” as was popular back in the 40’s, but 30 years ago, I stripped the entire thing, found that it was in fact red oak and finished it accordingly. Yep, this set makes me feel at home.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I haven’t turned on the heat in the house until yesterday, when I woke up and it was just 52 degrees in my bedroom! I came out to the kitchen and it was just 60 degrees. So, I reluctantly turned on the heat! Bah! Winter is on it’s way!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Have you ever been to and/or lived near the desert? What did you think? Travel and Leisure lists the ‘coolest’ American desert towns as-

Palm Springs CA, Virgina City NE, Bend OR, Winslow AZ, Marfa TX, Grand Junction CO, Silver City NM, Moab UT, Taos NM, Yakima WA, Borrego Springs CA, Terlingua TX, and St. George UT, and Tubac AZ

Have you been to any of these? Would you like to visit a desert town? Which on the list would you most like to see?

I’ve not been specifically to these towns, but our White Shepherd, Max was from Tucson, and we spent time there, in Tombstone and Phoenix. Although I enjoyed my trip, I am more of a greener pastures gal. The desert was beautiful, and the colors of stone and dirt vivid, but what can I say? I’m a New England type of girl

2. What’s a plan or project you’ve deserted in the past year?

I’m actually doing pretty well with projects. I guess cleaning my attic, but there is still time as the weather cools down and I can get up there and start throwing crap away!

3. Desert-dessert? Share two or three words you find yourself having to think twice about when it comes to spelling.

Ha-ha! I’m actually a pretty good speller. Desert and dessert happens to be one that catches me. But the spelling of my name gets almost every person I meet. So I, in fact, spell a lot so people will spell my name correctly. It does not work. Almost always, even after I have spelled it out, people still blow the spelling of my name!

4. High and dry, like watching paint dry, dry run, dry as dust, not a dry eye in the house…which phrase can you relate to currently? Explain.

Dry as dust. I’ve had a small cold and my throat has felt dry as dust. I keep drinking, and trying to stay hydrated, but it is a challenge.

5. How often do you frequent the dry cleaners? Starch or no starch?

Almost never! If it has to be dry cleaned, I do not buy it!

6. What’s a food or beverage you enjoy that’s named for a place?


The monastery’s largest business enterprise is the Andechs monastery brewery. It is the exclusive property of the Benedictine monks of St Boniface in Munich and Andechs. Brewed and bottled exclusively in Andechs.


The Andechs Beer is so good and it was so much fun to go and visit the monastery and have lunch and a liter of beer!

7. Do you need solitude?

Yes, yes, and yes! Always. I do not get it too often, with one husband and 4 dogs, but I do need it. I think this is why getting my new Ipod was so important. I can put on the headphones and lose myself in song and block out the world around me!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I have a small cold. I find this extremely annoying, because there is so much I would rather be doing, then sitting here, blowing my nose, sneezing and coughing. Ugh! Cold, cold, go away!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Thursday (September 22) is the first official day of autumn in this part of the world…how will you welcome the season? I know some of you have been celebrating way too early, but it’s official now so permission granted. House Beautiful recently listed ten ways to make your home smell like fall (you can read the list here) What’s a scent you love this time of year and how will you add it to your home?

I love the smell of simmering apples, while I am making apple sauce. I told Hubby yesterday that I want a nice selection of apples to make a full bodied sauce to freeze for the winter. The other day I went to our freezer to get some apple sauce and there was none in there. I literally took everything out looking for sauce! I could have sworn I had some! None there. So my answer to this is to make more sauce this year!

2. Apple pie or pumpkin pie? Apple cake or pumpkin bread? Warm apple cider or a pumpkin spice latte?

My favorite pie is pumpkin. Although I love apple pie too. Pumpkin bread is a favorite. And I love warm apple cider plain or with a tot of dark rum! Although I love pumpkin, I am not on board with all the pumpkin coffee, latte’s and even the “Pumpkin Spiced Ham” that they are selling at the store. Call me a purist!

3. Do you suffer from what is sometimes referred to as an afternoon slump? What helps ward it off before it hits and/or tell us what helps you shake it off once it’s here?

Yes I do. I plan to have tea and fruit or tea and popcorn. But always a nice hot cuppa, even in the summer.

4. Ladies-how have your friendships with women inspired you or made you a better person? For the men here today- how have your friendships with men inspired you or made you a better person?

I have several amazing female friends. We have chosen each other in this sister/friendship and I know I can always count on them to be there for me, and me for them. They encourage me to keep going, even when I have felt defeated, and they are the ones there cheering me on when I try something new. These women have also known tough times and yet, we all keep going.

5. Are you a people pleaser? If you said yes, do you think that’s a good or bad thing? If you said no, do you wish you were more of a people pleaser?

Oh my goodness I do think I am a people pleaser and I so wish I wasn’t. Sure it is nice to do things that make others happy, but at the expense of my own self, well, that is not good. Learning to set limits, and to do as much as I feel comfortable with, now that is a good thing.

6. The seasons are a-changin’…share a favorite song relating in some way to change (not necessarily seasonal change, it could be change of any kind).

Oh yeah, David Bowie, “Changes”! Sit back now, and enjoy a little bit of David on this Wednesday morning!

7. What do you wish would never change?

Well, I think that I have come to a point in my life where I realize that change is part of life and although sometimes it is hard to endure, it must happen. I remember holding Savannah in my arms and saying to her, that I could hardly wait until she could tell me what she was thinking and feeling. Now at four years old, she does this and it is wonderful! No, change is good and necessary!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Life is quite full right now. Savannah begins her second year of ballet, and this year she will also take a Karate Class. Her 6 month old brother appears to be breaking all records with his desire to get moving. He is already crawling, and walking will happen any day, due to his sheer strength and the fact he learned how to pull himself up.

Hubby is suffering with Bursitis and is in need of a cortisone shot, but apparently the link at the VA isn’t working and we are still waiting for a call so he can get the injection. Meanwhile, he is in pain.

Have a good day, fellow Hodgepodgers!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What’s changed in your life, home, or community since your last birthday?

Well the biggest change is that I have a grandson now! Quinn Wallace was born in March, and he is a super amazing.


He is six month old, sitting up, crawling, and pulling himself up onto his feet! He is a man with a mission!

2. September is Classical Music Month. Do you like/listen to classical music? If so what’s a favorite piece and/or who is a favorite composer?

Not a super classical music fan, but my favorite piece is The Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43, (Russian: Рапсодия на тему Паганини, Rapsodiya na temu Paganini) is a concertante work written by Sergei Rachmaninoff. It is written for solo piano and symphony orchestra, closely resembling a piano concerto.

3. Besides The Bible, what’s a book that has positively changed your life, relationships, career, or perspective? How so?

The First Year Of Forever: Surviving The Death Of Our Son, by B. D Van Vechten. I was given this book shortly after losing my daughter back in 1985. I have read it and reread it. Why? The book made me realize that I was not alone. That my feelings were normal for what I was going through, and it helped me to stop being so hard on myself.

The journey of getting through the first year is really a marathon. Just when you think you are getting to a better place, it all comes rushing up and hits you in the face all over again.

It is now 31 years later, and most days I do okay, because I do not allow myself to go there. But some days, when I least expect it, I suddenly find myself sobbing.

Yes the first year was the worst, but the forever, is oh so hard too!

4. I read (here) these ten hobbies will make you smarter…play a musical instrument, read voraciously, meditate regularly, work out your brain (puzzles, sudoku, board games, etc), exercise often, learn a new language, write your feelings down (blog, journal, just write), travel to new places, cook different kinds of meals, participate in sports actively

Are any on this list your current hobbies? Which hobby on the list would you be most inclined to try?

I play Words with Friends almost daily, and I enjoy that. I blog almost daily because I love to write, and share my thoughts and ideas. I also cook and make up new recipes. Last night was a new grilled chicken recipe that I made in my cast iron skillet. My cousin gave me that skillet and I use it all the time!

5. What sports traditions does your family have?

Hubby and I like to watch the Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments. I used to watch them with my Uncle George when I was a kid, now I watch with my husband.

6. In a few words, weigh in on the current football/National Anthem brouhaha. Keep it family friendly please.

I would never disrespect our country, our flag or our people by acting the way these spoiled multi-millionaire football players have. Don’t like this country? Then I suggest you get out and go to another one. America is not perfect, but we are so much better than so many others.

Since Colin Kaepernick is now demonstrating against our country (he has become a Muslim) I would suggest he moved to a Muslim country, where he might feel more at home. Oh wait! They would never pay his big millionaire salary, or put up with his bull.

7. Where do you have loads of patience, and where do you most lack patience?

I have loads of patience with the grands. Those two could be pushing all the buttons and it doesn’t phase me at all. Last time I baby sat Quinn, he was so tired and fussy and fighting sleep. So, I just lay down with him until he fell asleep. I watched him with half closed eyes, until he curled up and fell asleep. It took a while, but I could stare at that handsome face forever!


Savannah is really easy, she is four years old and can tell me what she feels and what she wants.

I have little patience with Lili. I know I should be better than I am, but that dog can get on my nerves so quickly.

Lili Beans

She is hyper and can jump floor to ceiling in one motion. And then, she will come over and quietly sit down next to me and look at me with those big brown eyes and I melt. She loves me so much and I do love her, I just wish she would settle down a bit!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The summer is over and yesterday when I drove up town to get the mail and get a few groceries, I actually could get around, without traffic jams and tourists walking into traffic. I know we need the tourists to come and spend their money, but goodness, it drives me a little nuts when I am unable to get around my little town.