What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


In the last few months I have faced uncharted territory.  I figured I had a small and insubstantial cancer, when in fact I have had to switch gears and recognize that in many cases, cancer is cancer and must be fought with every fiber of ones being.

It’s been a real roller coaster ride for me since the day in February when Dr. A called me and told me that the biopsy came back positive.

I thought it meant a quickie surgery, a couple of stitches, and then it would be done.

But then, cancer is cancer, right? Nothing is that simple.

Before I knew it, I had surgery, lost a large portion of my nose and I looked like the elephant man. I went into shock.

And I became depressed.

How can one not get depressed when they are really counting on the happily ever after and suddenly have to face the fact that it will be a long road.

For a while I couldn’t even think of my summer garden. I’ve had one for years and enjoyed it so much. But this year, it seemed like more than I could think of.

Then a few days before my latest surgery we were shopping in Walmart and I was in the garden center when I saw a seed section. My mind began to think about the joy, the love I have with growing our vegetables.

So, I went over and started grabbing packets of seeds. Hubby got me some wonderful soil and we came home.

I knew all my supplies were there, I just needed to sit down and do it.

So, on Sunday, I went out and while listening to my MP3 player, and with the company of my dogs, I started all my seeds (except my peas and beans, which I plant right in the ground).

You see, a garden is life’s way of giving me hope. Hope for a complete recovery, hope for a future of health and happiness.

As I potted the soil and put in the seeds I laughed, smiled and a tear fell from my eyes. One day I want to teach Savannah all about planting a garden. I want her to see how wonderful it is to plant a seed and watch it grow into something you can eat!

The Best Medicine

I was lying down in my recliner, taking a rest and watching movies that I have seen a gazillion times before, when my cell phone rang. It was my daughter, Mandy!

She asked me what I was up to and I admitted that I was not doing a darn thing.

In fact, watching the bad TV and sort of drowsing in a semi-state of sleep, was just wasting time.

She asked if I might like a visit? A visit with her and my favorite little grand-baby!

She did not have to twist my arm or ask twice! And a mere hour and a half later, they arrived!

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Now just look at this little girl? How can I stay depressed and feeling sorry for myself when I have Savannah playing with me?

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She is crawling and climbing and taking steps. She handled herself pretty well with the dogs, and flirted with Hubby!

Savannah and Mandy were simply the best medicine that I could have had today.

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Thank you so much, girls!

Twas The Day Before Surgery…

My Monday began much like any other day. Walking the dogs, making the coffee…and then my day turned upside down.

I had no Internet connection! I went and rebooted my router as I’ve been having a lot of trouble with that, but no, it didn’t work. So, as I got my second cup of coffee, I called my Internet Service Provider.

She tested the modem and it was determined that the modem was indeed dead.

So after breakfast, off Hubby and I went to exchange the modem, get the light bulb I talked about yesterday and food for our picky eater, Fritz.

As we roamed the isles of Walmart a little girl took one look at me and then followed me for several isles. Her eyes were wide with wonder and her mouth agape! Oh yes, I can hardly wait for my surgery!

Upon our arrival home, I hooked up the new modem and after another round with tech support, we got the modem running.

But then the router up and completely died! I sat down thinking. We already have our new, replacement router, but I was a little afraid to get it online.

I opened the box, read the almost non-existent instructions, where they actually said, “If you have any questions see us at www://……….

Now how the heck can you go online if the router isn’t working?

After several hours (I kid you not!) I finally got the router up and running. There are still tweaks to be done, but we can at least access the Internet! Yay!

I got the call for my surgery today. I must be at the hospital by 11:30 for a 1:00 pm surgery.

Folks, this nightmare is nearly over, and soon I will have my face back!

Savannah took her first steps!

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how happy I am about that! Oh, how I can hardly wait to see her in person!!!


So off to bed I go and I’ll report in on Wednesday and let you know how it all went!

What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


The weekend was the usual, except that on Sunday I got a call and then a visit from Mandy and my granddaughter, sweet Savannah Rose!

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She is now ten months old, and I cannot believe how tall she has gotten! She is also stand up by herself (not holding on to anything) and she loves dogs!

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The very best medicine, when you are feeling down, is a visit from a little angel like this one!

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How lucky I am to have this little gem of a child in my life. She makes me smile, just by looking at me.

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How very blessed I am!

Savannah, 10 Months Old

On Friday Hubby and I met up with Mandy and Savannah for lunch. I cannot describe to you in adequate words, what it is like to walk into a restaurant, walk over to your grandchild, call her name, and see a bright smile light up her face!

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Yeah, I just melted into a big Grandma puddle!

She is growing and changing so fast that I simply cannot believe it! She is now eating real food! I was amazed at her chowing down on broccoli and actually liking it!

Mandy got orange chicken and Savannah’s first bites she made the funniest faces! Priceless!

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I am just so proud of my daughter. She is such a good mother and it is obvious to see that she is doing it all right, as Savannah has to be the happiest baby I’ve ever seen!

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And Mandy, one of the happiest mothers!

A Visit With Mandy & Savannah

Friday found me heading down to spend the day with my girls. You know I feel so very blessed to have such a wonderful daughter, and her fabulous baby!

Now that Savannah is growing up, she is really showing so much of her personality.

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Today’s visit, I spent a lot of time just getting down on the carpet and playing with Savannah and talking to Mandy.

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We played and laughed and rolled around. It was wonderful! It reminded me of all the goodness in the world!

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I love Mandy and Matt’s new place! It is so cute and Mandy has decorated it so nicely. The nursery is so adorable! It’s peaceful, and bright and really pleasant.

We picked up my former mother in-law and she joined us for lunch. That was also great. Four generations of women all sitting at one table! We had various meals, and Savannah actually tried her very first french fry.

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I’m not sure she really liked it!

My drive home found me with a big smile on my face. I think today was one of the best days ever. Babies that play are just so much fun!!!


I thought today that I would share a few pictures of my Sweet Savannah Rose! You know, I think she has about the prettiest name around. It just fits her!


Savannah is a happy baby. She smiles easily, shows great interest in everything around her and gets along well with people. Even strangers. Although this last visit, I did notice that she watched people for a bit before smiling at them.


We played on the floor, we had breakfast together and I dried her off after her bath and got her dressed. At one point, my daughter had to go in to her work for a meeting and we went too.

As I watched Savannah play, I wondered, what she might be thinking, when she was listening to her music and the toys.


I can hardly wait until she is a little older and she can start to tell me all about her world. All the little make-believe fairytales in her mind.

What a blessing she is to my little world! She gives all hope for the future, and a piece of her world to enjoy!

Musical Tones

One Friday I spent the day with Mandy and Savannah! It’s amazing how much she changes in two weeks. Her hair is getting longer, her body and muscles are getting stronger, and she has definite likes and dislikes.

For instance, Mandy had to go into her office for a meeting, and while she attended to the meeting I was trying to keep Savannah occupied. I finally came up with the ring tones on my cell phone.

I discovered that Savannah likes ABBA, Billy Joel and a German man named Peter Fox, who did a song called “Haus Am See”. Now that song, she loved!

That just made me smile. It made me realize that it is not always about the words in a song, but the feeling!

Savannah At Seven And A Half Months!

I went down on Friday to see Mandy and Savannah. We had such a nice visit, and Savannah really amazed me! She is standing by herself, wobbly for sure, but standing, crawling pretty well, and is so interested in playing with her interactive toys, and with Mandy’s Ipad!

Have you seen the Baby Apps they have? I had never seen them, and yet, there was our little Savannah playing the games like an old pro!

She is also so alert and interacts with people, places and things so well. At lunch, she was flirting with many of the other diners!

And she is so beautiful! I know, I know. I am her grandmother, but honestly, she smiles so much and her face is full of love and happiness!

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Isn’t she just adorable?

Our Christmas With The Kids!

Hubby and I drove down on the 26th of December to spend the day with Matt, Mandy and Savannah! Oh what a great day we had. It was easy going, relaxed, and so much fun! We opened gifts, and played with the toys that she got!

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She is so close to crawling.

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I think one of the biggest hits was a xylophone that she got. She also had dolls, books, phones and puzzles for babies, as well as puppets and clothes.

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Today also gave Hubby time to learn all about his grand daughter. She seemed to take a shine to him and they both cuddled and enjoyed the closeness.

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I had told Mandy and Matt to just plan a stress free day. We were so lucky to to get just that. We talked, we laughed and we enjoyed some great foods! Mandy cooked her first turkey and it was moist and fabulous!

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I’m so happy that we got to share this time. In the end the love of family and the time we share is so important!