The last week has been a bit stressful. And as hard as I might try to enact the don’t worry, be happy motto, I find I am still feeling sort of stressed.
I went in for my physical a while back and they found that my heart doesn’t go tick, tick, tick…but rather shows several irregularities.
The 2-week test begins on Thursday where they have me hooked up to a monitor 24 hours a day for 14 days. After that, I will see the Cardiologist.
I’ve noticed a few things since recovering from Covid for the second time. I chalked it up to Post Covid Syndrom and tried not to think about it
I have been sleeping a lot. Each day I am napping for at least one hour. I’ve also been losing my appetite. I think that all of this is due to stress, but who knows? It’s all a waiting game, isn’t it?
Happy Wednesday.