Primary Colors

Many of you know we live in New Hampshire. The state where the first Primary for President is held every four years. Yes, we are first and proud of it! Some of the other States here in the USA think they should be first, but come on guys, we’ve been first, forever and it’s just poor sportsmanship to change that now.

On the other hand I want to tell you what life has been like the last week here in our New Hampshire home.

The phone rings at least 4 times a day with polls. Tonight, the night of the election they are computerized polls, but in the last few weeks we have been polled by Rasmussen, the Gallop Pole, ABC, NBC and our local ABC affiliate. We’ve been called by all the top candidates organizations and given long lists of questions to answer.

Many people hang up the phone, but most of the time Hubby and I will answer the questions. After all when your State is first in the nation for a Primary, you have certain obligations.

Just for fun we watched the movie “Primary Colors” the other day. The acting is great and it will show you what these people are willing to do to get elected! Scary!

Anyway, we voted today and by 8 o’clock tonight it will all be over…for another 4 years anyway.

Thanks for the memories!!!


Diet wise I am doing well. I feel myself falling into a routine. I look forward to meals instead of being afraid of how many points they will have. Two more days and I weigh in for the first weeks weight loss. I’m doing so well I figure I should have at least lost 25 pounds! (LOL, not really!)


Cream of Wheat.
1/2 cup of skim milk
1/2 grapefruit

1 Banana

Tuna Sandwich
cucumber salad
bottle of water

WW ice pop

2 lamb chops
1/2 cup potatoes
green beans


7 thoughts on “Primary Colors”

  1. It’s been exciting for the primaries this year, I saw some shots with snow in the background ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I’m on the other party than you though ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m glad to hear the diet is going well ๐Ÿ™‚ Go you!!

  2. Hi
    New Hampshire should be proud that it went it’s own way, in both races, and didn’t fall into the “this is what the media says so this is how I vote” routine. IT’s exciting, to have a woman, an African American man, a former POW…whatever we think of them individually!

  3. Oh dear,
    what a ยค%##

    But, am I missinformed? Iowa? And Wyoming (only one of the Parties)

    The American Election System is for me a Mystery. Can’t help it.

    Well, I do accept USA concists of 50 more or less independent States in many matters, but this money demanding race — to be Candidate—
    Spend the Money on those who really need some help – and keep the voting within the Party(ies). When selected each parties candidate for President (and CPO of the World) – then they can start spending Money.

    Sorry for living in another kind of Democracy – where also people without beeing multimillionaires can be head of the Government (But they need a “Brain”).
    I’m far from beeing a Soscialist – so here it’s said. But pro equal rights and opportunities.

    Thanks for blogging about the US election. It’s important for the whole wide world. But thus, even a humble Viking must be allowed to ponder about the election system.

    Do you think our local Media (TV and paper press) follow what’s happens in detail? Yes, it front page.

    Have a great rest of the week.

    PS. I will not ask if you are confident with the NH results or not. Unless a party member, it’s a secret election

  4. Oh my… We have just had our election, last year at least… and I am glad that it is over for another term as well!! But, YOUR election is getting a lot of TV time over here in Australia!! Go Hillary I say, I like her (mind you, I do not really know the other fellow, he is a bit ‘quiet’ in the news here!!

    Good luck with the diet as well!!

  5. I have to join TorAa and agree fully to what he says. There is such a circus going on for these elections and for only two parties ! I don’t understand why a democracy only has two “!all other western countries have more then two parties, even here in my little Belgium we have at least 5 if not more !

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