I was up early, as usual and quickly made the coffee and breakfast for the guys. Then I jumped in the shower, packed the car and was on the road by 8:45. One thing I have learned on the drive home is, that unless you are a Moose or a Bear, there aren’t many restrooms between here and there! At one point I thought I would die and then I imagined what the headlines would read: New Hampshire Woman Dies in a Puddle!!! Not the way I want to go out!
Amazingly, the doglets were pretty good in the car. The two girls curled up on the front seat and slept and Fritz wasn’t his usual hyper self, giving me hope that he will settle down as he ages.
We saw a Moose on the trip down, quietly drinking water from a stream. We saw one last night too, walking along the road. When they talk about Moose being a problem on the roads in the North Country they aren’t kidding!
Anyway, We got home three hours later, unpacked the car and picked up the mail. I think I need a nap!
So, despite the rain, sleet, and hail storms of the last 4 days, despite feeling cold and damp and slightly bored during that time, I survived, but I am home and happy to be here!
Hail storms! UGH! Glad you’re back 🙂