Fritz’s Favorite Song

When Fritz first arrived here back in 2003 at the tender age of 8 weeks old, he was this tiny ball of white fluff.

fritz face 2

Like all puppies he had favorite toys and loved to sleep in our laps,


but the most endearing thing about him was his attachment to this commercial. Each time the commercial came on, puppy Fritz would stop what he was doing and stare at the commercial, listening to every note of music! This was Fritz’s song!

After a year or so, Honda moved on to other commercials and I wasn’t able to find the music that Fritz loved so much. No other jewelry box type music would do, Fritz just lost his interest in music completely. Sad, really.

Fast forward to about a month ago when I was wasting time one evening and I found the commercial on Youtube! I turned up the speakers and let it play.

Fritz came running and started making sounds almost like he was trying to sing the song. What really impressed me though was that he remembered his song all these years later, and when I play it now he comes running just like he did as a puppy so he can listen to his song!

14 thoughts on “Fritz’s Favorite Song”

  1. Oh how pretty! No wonder he loves it, it’s really nice and soothing. I love it too! He has great taste and how cool that he remembers it after all this time. Love YOU, Mel

  2. That is adorable! My parents have three dogs and their youngest, Snickers, figured out that when the MASH theme started playing it was time for dinner (4pm). So now whenever he hears the MASH theme he thinks he gets to eat. It’s quite funny to watch!

  3. Really ?? that’s amazing ! and so adorable that he still remembers his childhood ! what a cute little white snowball he was ! I went to my friend Chantal yesterday and her Beagle always wants absolutely to sit on my lap ! He nearly asphixiates me with his affection, lol ! and my cats think that I have a very interesting new parfum when I come home !

  4. We had a cat who loved Bing Crosby songs. He would sit straight as an arrow in the middle of the family room looking right at the record player until it was over. The only other recorded sounds he was interested in was Whale Songs. He was an interesting cat.

  5. Awwww— He was such a adorable puppy too! Amazing that he remembered the song, but I believe that what they learn when they’re puppies stuck with them through life, that’s why it’s such an important time in their lives – just as kids actually even though not to 100%.

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