Five, More or Less

On Friday, Greta went to see our Veterinarian. It was finally time for her to have her x-ray! I have been anxiously awaiting this!

I left the house a little early so I could stop and get the mail on the way over. Down town was a crazy mess, as some person had parked a car about 4 feet from the side of the curb which essentially means that they parked their car in the road. I had just managed to drive my station wagon by when the police arrived.

Greta accompanied me into the Post Office and was her usual sweet and bubbly self, especially when a woman stopped to ask what sort of dog she was. I wanted to tease Greta and say, “Oh, this is a pot bellied pig”, but I knew I was the only one who would get the joke, so I just laughed to myself and told the woman that Greta was a wire-haired dachshund.

Traffic was heavy, but I got to the Vet’s office in plenty of time and they weighed Greta. Twenty-five and a half pounds! Wow! That is nearly 6 pounds more than she weighed pre-pregnancy!

Suddenly the National Weather Service announcer came on the radio to declare a weather warning for our area, and at that exact moment I could hear thunder boom in the distance! Dr. N. came in and took Greta quickly for her x-ray. She was worried that a thunder storm was going to force them to shut their equipment down. Lucky for us we did not get any more of the thunder, just torrential rain!

Soon Dr. N. brought Greta back and she showed me the x-ray. She asked me how many puppies I saw.

“One, two, three, four, five, six!” I said with glee!

How Many Babies
You can click on this and look at the larger detailed picture if you would like.

Dr. N. was not as convinced about puppy #6. There are definitely 5 puppies (red arrows) in there, but the sixth one (which is where the purple arrow is) could be a combination of a shadow and the ribs of the pup next to it.

Excitement is now building as Greta’s due date nears. Sometime in about 8-9 days, Greta will become a Mommy again. I pray for healthy and happy and beautiful puppies and for Greta’s safe delivery. She sure has quite a load in her belly! No wonder she waddles and falls over!

10 thoughts on “Five, More or Less”

  1. So delivery will be a surprise one way or the other! You’ll be surprised if she doesn’t have 6 … and you’ll be surprised if she DOES! 🙂 But 5 is certain and that’s what I said! *pats self on back* Way to GUESS Melli!

  2. She is full of puppies for sure! I couldn’t look at the larger picture, because I can’t remember my Flikr name and password. This seems so short compared to the last litter of puppies!

  3. What else to say, than I hope the very best for Greta.

    When I think about it, as having “given” away so many kittens in the past 20 years, and how we humans are regarding our “puppies”.
    We both have our tragics related to that question.
    But anyway—

    have a great Sunday.

    we cross our fingers for Greta

  4. Pot bellied pig…hehehe no I don’t think the curious dog lover would get it. Glad the thunder storm didnt spoil your plans, it sure looks like a happy gang of puppies in there. I can’t wait to see them when they are ready to come out!

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