A Rainy, But Productive Day

Saturday saw us up early before the fog had lifted. I’d heard that we were going to be getting some rain, but I was able to walk the dachshunds before the sky opened, and rain began to fall.

Our total rainfall on Saturday was 2 and 3/4 inches and it is still raining as I write! Okay, Mother Nature, enough!

Greta spent the day picking various spots to lay down and spread herself out. She tended to stay by me, and since I was cooking in the kitchen most of the day, she lay down by my feet.

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What was I cooking, you might ask. Heavenly Jam (again). We now have a total of 28 jars to keep our toast covered!

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I think I will take the grape juice I froze last season out and make some jelly with that. Our plums will also be coming in soon and we will be making plum jam!

Later in the day Greta found Hubby’s chair and lay down on her back and got comfortable there.

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You know it’s quite funny to think about my life now. When I was a teenager I never even imagined that I would be living the life that I am. I knew I wanted to get married and have children, but I never realized how tied to nature I would become. With my great love for my dogs, my pleasure in gardening, and of course canning what I grow, my life is fuller than I ever could have imagined. Yes, I am blessed, and life is good.

6 thoughts on “A Rainy, But Productive Day”

  1. Would you mind sharing your recipe for Heavenly Jam? I would love to have it. Sounds so good…..yum yum.

  2. Maribeth, you have a real gift for being grateful. I admire that, for sure. I can’t wait to see photos of those babies!!!

  3. Ah Yes! Blessing abound even in the middle of hard times.
    I love all that you do with fruit and stuff you grow and the doggies too! Love YOU, Mel

  4. Yes I would say you are definitley (sp), always have trouble spelling that word right, blessed. You life is so full and I love hearing about it daily. I know you are excited about the new babies coming soon but you hardly got a breather..LOL They keep you busy. So keep writing and keeping us up to date.

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