What I Did To Relax…Ha!

On Sunday I decided to spend the day just relaxing. The last week has been so busy, and I really wanted to take the day and do nothing but watch some TV or perhaps read. However, I went to the fridge for something and noticed an abundance of cucumbers, and since they weren’t getting any fresher, I knew that today was the day to do something wonderful with them.

But what?

I was tidying up some newspapers and I saw an article on the front page of the Lifestyle section. “Pickles”! It read. Eureka! That’s it!

I found a recipe for Bread and Butter Pickles and decided on that. I needed a gallon of sliced cucumbers. So I washed the cucumbers and got out my food processor and started to slice the cucumbers, and the onion and then made layers. Cucumbers, onion, canning salt and ice, repeat. I did that until I had the gallon of cucumbers done, then I set a full gallon jug of vinegar on a plate on top of it and let it set for 3 hours.

Then we cooked it down and canned the pickles.

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And here is one of the 9 jars that we made.

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While we did this Greta stretched out near us. She just gets bigger and bigger.

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I also had Greta out to play ball in between rain drops. Then she would come back inside and collapse!

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So my day was far from relaxing and restful. In fact I didn’t get done with cleaning up until well after 7:30 PM. I’m not too upset about it though because we now have all those wonderful pickles!

6 thoughts on “What I Did To Relax…Ha!”

  1. Looks as if you are a busy bee, lately ! I scrolled and read through your posts I wanted to know about Greta, and now I know. I was so busy with catching up that I only replied to the comments and apparently forgot to visit !
    I leave now (it’s 8 AM) and take the train to the sea with Ilona, it only costs us 5 € (return) as we both are retired and it’s only 1 1/2 h away. They announced so hot weather that we decided to spent it on the beach !

  2. Yummm on the bread and butter pickles. What a great idea. Do you ever make sour pickles? I like all pickles. Yep I do believe that Greta is indeed getting bigger every day. She is going to have to go soon or she’ll bust…lol Have a good week ahead.

  3. Those pickles LOOK sooooooooo yummy! And I hope Greta doesn’t strain her pushin’ muscles goin after that ball! She’s gonna need them SOON!

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