Our day began early. Since our clocks changed back an hour on Saturday night I’d hoped for a little extra sleep. Of course, no one explained this to all 9 dogs. So at 6 AM I was up with the dogs. I walked them all, one by one, cleaned up the puppy room, and then sat down with some coffee. The worst part was, there was absolutely NOTHING on TV to watch!
I contented myself with the computer and waited for three hours for Hubby to wake up! Then I made brunch for us.
By late morning we decided to take the pups out with Nanny Fritz to play in the yard. I have to tell you that little Schnapps is really head over heels in love with Fritz and follows him everywhere, with a look of such adoration!
Fritz and Schnapps!
Fritz and his babies.
Also, if the pups begin to wander all we need to do is holler to Fritz and he goes and rounds them up.
Greta came out too, and of course she nursed them.
You know, it’s a very good thing for these pups to remain close to Greta and slowly be weaned. Later in their lives they will be well adjusted little creatures, and they will know their birth mother loved them dearly.
Here is Calvin
So, there they are. 9 weeks old and full of life and spirit. They all know their names, they use either the grass or the newspapers now and they sleep through the night. The time is drawing near, my friends. Soon they will go to their new families and my job as “Puppy Granny” will be done.
The pictures are great! I love the one of Calvin in the grass with all the leaves, that’s just the cutest picture. Love YOU, Mel
Had a great time visiting!
Love you,
I love the pictures of Nanny Fritz & the puppies! What a cute story that makes :o)
They have all a such chance with a so nice”puppy granny”! They have the best beginning teir life it can be, the best conditions, love and all is harmony around them.
I love them all!!!
The pic with Fritz and pups is my favorite–he’s so big and tall watching over them, it makes them look even more mini!
OMG I think I’m in Love!!
They are all just so adorable š š š
I found your blog from Grace over at Sandier Pastures-We actually have the same birthday!
Fritz is a good shepherd ! Lol ! the pictures are so cute !
I’m impressed by the wonderful photos you have taken of the cuties.
And Schnaps – hehe – that’s a great name (I know what it means)