Lovable Dogs & Olympic Questions

Tuesday morning we all slept in! I mention this because lately I have been awake by 6 or 6:30 each morning. However, today the dogs and Hubby all were feeling sleepy and no one wanted to get up.

I did move about quarter to 8 and Anneliese leapt onto me with glee! I was covered with kisses by the happiest pup ever. Arnie joined in, greeting the day with pleasure, and Greta lay between Hubby and me putting up with the frivolity. The next thing we knew, Fritz jumped up to join in the celebration of a new day! Both Hubby and I laughed. We are very lucky to have this pack of dogs!

I immediately asked Hubby who had won the ice dancing the night before. The darned skating runs so late that I end up going to sleep about half way through it. I really love the skating and I wish the time was such that I could watch the whole thing. My favorite couple, Meryl Davis and Charlie White won the silver medal! I am so happy for them!!!

Of course none of us see the whole of anything, except maybe Curling and Hockey. We get those completely and at decent times. I have been less than thrilled with NBC’s coverage because they don’t show things live, like the skiing, or ski jumping, when they could. They also do not show us the “minor” players in these events.

You know, if I made it to the Olympics in any sport, I would hope that the world would see me. Think about it. These kids practice 7 days a week, for years and years and years. Don’t they deserve their moment of glory as much as the medal winners do?

I can tell you that I have watched a ton of Curling. Do I understand it at all? Not really. Hubby does. His parents came from Canada and apparently has played and watched the sport over the years enough to tell what the heck they are doing. I do know one thing…there was a girl from Denmark on the Women’s Curling team and she looked really tough. I wouldn’t want to meet her in a dark ally.

Best moments, Lindsey Vonn winning gold and Bode Miller winning his medals, all three of them!  And of course Meryl and Charlie! What are your favorite moments?

9 thoughts on “Lovable Dogs & Olympic Questions”

  1. There was a horrible one tonight or last night…I tivoed them. The coach told a speed skater he was in the wrong lane and he wasn’t. I cost him the gold medal. What a shame.

    One of the weird ones is the Russian skater who won silver and blew a gasket about it later. I saw tonight that he has made himself a white gold medal, so there will be bronze, silver, gold and white gold. What a nut.

    I like the snowboarding and was happy Shaun White won.

  2. My best moment so far has to be the USA’s big hockey win over Canada – what an incredible game!!! (I’m a born and bred hockey fan living in permanent withdrawal over here, what a treat this win was for me to see.)

  3. We don´t get much Olympic coverage over here, and when I have time to watch, it´s usually something that doesn´t interest me. But I´m glad you are enjoying it. Sounds like fun!
    I loved to imagine that scene with the dogs on your bed. I´m sure they were really happy you were up. 🙂

  4. They put all the things I like to watch on too late at night so I haven’t watched as much as I would have so no favorite moments for me yet! Love YOU, Mel

  5. When it comes to the winter Olympics I am like Arthur, I put my head under cover or cusions! I hate all wintersports ! The only thing I watch with pleasure is ice figure skating ! Fortunately Mr. G. too, for the moment he is rather upset because all his little crime stories he uses to watch are replaced by the winter Olympics, lol ! So he plays cards with his computer !

  6. I love the Nordic Skiing, and they have finally shown some events when I can watch! The race on Saturday and the Nordic Combined yesterday were awesome!

  7. I liked the men’s figure skating win:) He was so excited and humble:) I also like seeing Canada’s wins, especially at home. Plus, I’m half Canadian.

  8. My favorites are the figure skating, the snowboarding, and ski jumping. I haven’t watched any curling this year – but I have watched it in prior olympics and enjoyed it very much!

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