1. Do you do garage sales? If so, tell me about one great find. If not, tell me why not.
No I don’t. My house is full and really, I should have a yard sale or two. Maybe a dozen!
2. Name the last thing you fixed.
The nightlight in my bathroom. I did it in the dark in the middle of the night.
3. Name your A) Favorite item of makeup OR B) Favorite tool
Favorite tool are pliers! I love my pliers!
4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other?
My dining room. Mostly it is a catch all room because we eat in the kitchen. I really need to get in there, organize, cull and clean.
5. Which room could use re-decorating?
The familyroom/kitchen. It’s an open format room and desperately needs painting, new rugs, and new furniture.
6. Share something unique about your town.
I could name some of the events that we have, the the restaurants that we have, but you know what makes my town truly special? The people! I love the people in my town. They have been there for me with a smile or a hug. Yes, for better or worse, I love the people in my little town!
7. If you could send a one-sentence message to your great-grandchild, what would it be?
Always remember, I love you!
8. Do you Facebook?
Oh yeah, big time.
9. Describe your favorite shoes.
Simple slip on black shoes. They are so comfortable.
10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it?
I love talk radio, but I am not in the car very much. Usually I listen to the TV while I’m doing stuff. If I am listening to music on my MP3 player it’s easy listening rock type.
11. How far would you travel for a really good (favorite) meal?
I’ve gone all the way down to the coast of my state, 70 miles, and I’ve also gone to another country, Germany! lol!
12. If you were totally honest with yourself (and us) what should you probably be doing right now instead of blogging?
Ironing and doing laundry. And I’ll get to that, I promise!
I would go to Canada for some Dairy Queen! 🙂 Fun questions this time.
#9 about shoes: Agree. I love my Croks;-)
I always love reading your answers. Love YOU, Mel
Loved reading your answers. I should be doing all kinds of things, I say that everyday yet here I sit. I love blogging. Hope your week is going well.
#6 was really nice…I haven’t lived here long enough to write something like that.
It was fun reading your answers today…enjoy the weekend! Hey, its almost the weekend, right?
You went to Germany just for a meal?