Random Dozen

1. From “Men Are Dumb ….”: If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what would it be?

The Theme from Friends. “I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before.
I’ll be there for you, cause you’re there for me too.”

2. From Pam of “Alert And Oriented x 4”: Which of your shoes are your absolute favorite, and which are of the object of your most painful shoe-buyer’s remorse?

Love my Merrell Slip ons, and detest high heels!

3. From Susanne of “Living to Tell the Story”: Tell about your favorite birthday celebration that you’ve personally experienced.

When my sister gave me my one and only surprise birthday party. All my family was there, except Hubby who stayed home with the dogs. It was the last time my Dad and Uncle and close family got together.

4. From Lori of “Just me and My Life”: If you were a flavor of ice cream, which would you be?

Peppermint stick ice cream! Because I am sweet yet, minty! Ha!

5. Cindy Swanson of “Notes in the Key of Life” asks: Have you ever had a crush on a movie star? Who was it, and are you still crushing?

Oh my gosh I totally loved David Cassidy as a teenager, as a grown up I think that a young Russell Crowe is a total Hunk and lately Ben Affleck. (Have you seen “The Town”?)

6. Jill from “Jill Boyd’s Place” inquires: Glasses or braces–if you had to wear one, which would it be?

Glasses. I wear them anyway so why not.

7. Nel from “Fasteneau Facts” asks: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Right where I am. If not here then I think somewhere by the ocean.

8. Thena from “Patiently Waiting” wants to know: If money were no obstacle, what would be the perfect birthday gift to receive?

A coupon for a free derma peel!

9. From “Life Through Bifocals,” LynnMarie asks: What is your favorite birthday meal?

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, butternut squash, and peas. With chocolate cake and butter cream frosting. If this sounds close to a Thanksgiving meal, well you’d be right, which is why I have only had this meal once for my birthday. At my surprise party. My birthday is November 17th, so my mother never wanted to make two turkey dinners!

10. Debby at “Just Breathe” checks in with: Do you still send hand-written thank you notes?

Yes. I try to remember.

11. Linda from “Mocha with Linda” poses this question: What is something you’ve done that you never thought you’d do?

I got up on stage at a concert and sang with the band!

12. Jewel, my homegirl from Indiana who writes at “Musings from the World of Jewel,” is very insistent that we answer this: Mount Rushmore honors four US Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add and why?

I’d add Ronald Reagan. He helped to bring down the Iron Curtain, he helped restore a sense of pride in being an American and love him or hate him, you have to admit that he was a real gentleman, with principles.

10 thoughts on “Random Dozen”

  1. I loved David Cassidy too! He was so cute. 🙂
    Your birthday party sounds good, but why has it been the only one? That´s kind of sad. Does your family live very far apart?
    That turkey dinner you mentioned sounds so yummy right now! I´m really hungry. 🙂

  2. So happy you loved your party!!! And that dinner! We’ll have to make turkey again if you get here before too long. Love YOU, Mel

  3. I can agree with you on Reagan. He’s the president I remember being aware of first. He did great things and was an effective president. Great choice!

  4. Several of our answers were similar…I talked about Russell Crowe too! Also, loved Ronald Reagan…I wonder if there will ever be another like him.

    Great answers…have a great day!

  5. I enjoyed your answers. I especially like Ronald Reagan for #12. I hadn’t thought about him, but he would make a good addition to Mount Rushmore.

  6. I was a fan of David Cassidy too…haven’t seen The Town but I do like Ben Affleck.

    About this time of year I start to really look forward to Thanksgiving dinner…makes me hungry just thinking about it!

  7. Great theme song. Sounds like that was a great celebration for your birthday. I think a turkey dinner is always a great choice. I thought about Ronald Reagan but didn’t say it, wouldn’t his face be pretty up there on the mountain?

  8. “I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour” then I will be permanently there, lol !
    I couldn’t eat your favorite birthday meal that’s too much and too heavy ! Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, butternut squash, geez !! I already have an indigestion only to read it, lol !

  9. Haven’t seen The Town but Ben Afflick, how can you go wrong. Hate to tell ya I’ve seen him in person. When Bass Pro Shop (about 2003 or 2004) first opened up in Savannah we were in there. That was when he was still with Jennifer Lopez, and she is so much prettier in person if that is possible. Yep stood there mouth open and couldn’t say a word.
    I also have a birthday in November (19th) but have never had a Thanksgiving dinner on it that I know of.

  10. I didn’t love Reagan (I’m sure you’re not surprised;), but I didn’t hate him either. I did like the sound of his voice though. Don’t think I’d add anyone to Rushmore, it’s fine the way it is. I love your turkey dinner description, it’s making me hungry. My favorite would probably be my mom’s spaghetti, for sure:) Love Denzel Washington.

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