Oh What a Morning!

I woke up in the darkness and thought immediately that it must be time to get up and go. Looking at the clock, I silently groaned! 12:30 AM! So, I moved a dackel, turned over and went back to sleep, waking only a few more times before our 5 AM alarm.

The coffee was ready and I put two frozen sandwiches in the microwave to heat, then carefully wrapped them to take in the car. We were out the door by 5:30 and I felt like we were doing extremely well. That was until the rain began to fall, and the traffic became gridlocked!

As we neared Boston, the rain only seemed to increase and the traffic got heavier, and our moods began to plummet. We attempted to take the back way into the airport and all we ended up seeing were likely scenes from the movie “The Town” as we worked our way through Charlestown! Only, there was no handsome Ben Affleck standing on a corner, just a lot of wet, exhausted workers trying to get to their jobs.

We decided to park in the Economy lot, which meant that we ended up backtracking several miles only to be parked back in Charlestown! We grabbed our suitcases, and made our way through the puddles to the shuttle bus for our ride back to the airport.

Okay, we made it in time, just a tiny bit late. We checked in, and proceeded to security, where I zipped through, as I have learned all about 3 ounce bottles, and computers in their own basket and, oh yes, my shoes came off as well. But I was easy!

Hubby, on the other hand, was given the full treatment. You see, my bionic man sets off all the bells and whistles at the airport with his titanium knees!

I stood there waiting, while the nice young man felt my husband in places I haven’t touched since our honeymoon!

Eventually they allowed him to dress again and we proceeded to our gate. All appeared to be going well, until we heard those fateful words, “I’m sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, our flight has been delayed until 11:30 due to a mechanical problem.”

At first it appeared we would be alright. We could still make our connection in Atlanta, even with this delay. However, a short time later they announced the flight would be delayed indefinitely, then posted a 5 PM departure time, and then finally canceled the flight!

I looked at Hubby and frowned. What would we do?

End of part one.

4 thoughts on “Oh What a Morning!”

  1. I HATE it when things like that happen. Hate flying it-self and being delayed and/ or cancelled is just too much.
    Hope you made it!

  2. I hope by this time all is well and you are having a great time!! And Relaxing too! Love YOU, Mel

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