Doesn’t Make Sense

It’s always been my policy not to dwell on the sad parts of life, but after the events in Tucson, Arizona today, I simply cannot think of much else.

A young, vibrant, Congresswoman, was shot and many others too, as a crazed gunman went into a crowd and at point blank range, shot as many people as he could before being taken down by two courageous men.

I’ve asked myself why? Why did he do this? I would love to be able to blame other people for this, but the fact is, the young man who did this, did it because he thought he should.

Many people say that we should have stricter gun laws, or that we should have no guns, but I am afraid that is not a logical solution. You see even if we took all the guns away from the good gun owners, Tucson is right next door to Mexico, and the thieves, robbers and crazy people could still get them. Actually I believe that the bad people would still get them period, leaving the responsible and good people unable to defend themselves.

So, what is the answer here?

I am thinking that we need to come to the realization that our politicians and celebrities are probably no longer safe. Many of them need a body guard, or to be packing a piece themselves.

I love the line from “Blindside” when Lee-Anne is threatened by a thug when she is looking for Michael, her adopted son.

If you so much as set foot downtown, you will be sorry. I’m in a prayer group with the D.A., I’m a member of the NRA and I’m always packing.”


So forgive me, for not having too many positive things to say today. I have never been shot in the head, but I do know how it feels to wake up in the morning and by the end of the day find your life shattered. You see, no one gets up in the morning and says, “Ah yes, today will be the day that I die.” And yet, for 6 people in Tucson, Arizona that is exactly what happened.

I’m praying for their families, for the people who were shot and are in critical condition, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and her family.

9 thoughts on “Doesn’t Make Sense”

  1. Life is precious. Unfortunately I don’t know if that is the message that will come out of this…I dread the political rhetoric and blame. I’m so very tired of the tone we’ve developed as a nation.

    I do think that our public officials are going to soon get to the point where we don’t have any access to them for the sake of their own personal safety which is a sad thing for all Americans. And who is going to want to be in public office anymore?

    It doesn’t make sense, you’re right. And I never understand these random shootings.There are so many disturbed unhappy people in the world today. I too am praying for these victims and their families.

  2. Much as I hate to think this way, that quote from Blind Side resonates with me today. thanks for these comments, MB.

  3. I found an email this morning from a girl living in Tucson, so I knew it before I saw the news. She said that America returns to the Far West and regresses.

    We too have dangerous borders with the Eastern countries and these people have gangs and mafias, but still we are not allowed to have a gun only with very special permissions. This counts for all European countries. In Belgium a policemen is not even allowed to take his gun home !
    This could never happened so easily here or yes, with a knife, but there the chance to survive are bigger and you can’t stab 6 people at one time. As long as you can buy guns in a shop like a football, there will always be killings for a yes or a no even between a fighting couple.

  4. So sad. I’m pretty sure we’re on different sides of the gun debate, other than the fact that we agree that law abiding citizens should be able to own guns. Arizona has just signed into law that citizens over 21 can buy guns with no background checks and no license requirements, no waiting period and no safety classes. In addition, concealed carry without a permit is the law, everywhere, including on the campus’s of colleges. That is, IMO, insane. I have to be licensed to be a teacher and to be a behavior analyst and to drive a car, but people have the right to own guns (and not just hunting guns, but automatic weapons) with not so much as a background check? The gun that killed 6 people and critically wounded a US Representative was purchased legally. The gun laws in Canada are very restrictive and the gun violence is much lower.
    I guess the killings yesterday and that ongoing trial regarding an 8 year old little boy who died while being allowed to fire an automatic weapon at a gun show are making me think about this issue. An 8 year old is a baby, in my eyes, and should be playing in his backyard and if he has to play with guns, he should have been making them out of sticks. His parent bears a huge responsibility in that case.
    Anyway, I hope the country learns something over all of that, but I’m not quite sure what!

  5. I know what you mean about the crazy beserkers that kill and wound innocent people and a child. For a while I had a fascination with those shotguns with multiple shells. I’m over that, but feel a shotgun is the best for home protection for me. I might not be able to hit with a hand gun, but a shotgun will get something…and the sound of a shotgun racking in the middle of the night in the dark is a very scary thing, I would think.

    It is a tragedy about yesterday’s craziness. It reminded me of when Jim Brady was shot in the head while accompaning former President Reagan. He has been paralyzed since that day and a brilliant mind is lost now. The Brady law is located here if anyone wants to read it.

  6. It was horrible news. I am praying for the families too. I do agree with you. The people who have guns, like my husband who likes to shoot at targets, would be the only ones without guns. The bad people will always be able to get them no matter the laws.

  7. I don’t think the answer is more guns, there should be less guns. I know that someone can be killed with anything but it is a bit hard to throw numerous knives etc and kill so many.

    My two cents and my condolences to the family and friends.

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