Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. This week’s Hodgepodge is Volume 123. What’s something you’ve done recently that was as easy as 1-2-3?

It seems that lately, nothing has been as easy as 1,2,3. Maybe it’s the ability to look at my daughter and granddaughter and feel such incredible love. That is so easy that I don’t think about it, it just is.

2. The Wednesday Hodgepodge also happens to fall on the first day of May …what is something you may do this month?

The first day of May is my busy day. I have three doctor’s appointments that day, and get my stitches out. This requires a 45 mile drive each way. I’m glad Hubby will be with me.

3. The Englishman Horace Walpole is credited as saying, “The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think” How do you see it?

If I didn’t laugh at most of what happens in my life, I would be crying! Mostly, I try to laugh and not let thin gs get me down too much.

4. May is National Hamburger Month…how often do you eat a burger? What are your must-haves when it comes to burgers? I assume you vegetarians won’t be celebrating so tell us what you’d like instead?

I love hamburgers. I’d say I have one every couple of weeks. I love hamburgers with tomato, lettuce, ketchup, and cheese. Occasionally bacon slips in there too.

5. Pansies, petunias, geraniums, impatiens…of the four mentioned, which is your favorite in a patio pot? Will there be pots on your patio this spring? (Or whenever spring comes to your part of the globe?) Who does the gardening at your house?

I’m the gardener. Although, I am not much into flowers. I suppose impatiens.

6. When did you last (literally or figuratively) shout “Mayday, Mayday!”

My ex-husband’s birthday is on May 1st and I used to joke with his mother that I was just sure that she cried “Mayday” when in labor with him.

7. Say farewell to your April in ten words or less.

Good bye surgery. Let’s hope there is no more!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The seeds are planted and the sun is shining. Soon I will have little baby plants. I feel such excitement that it’s another year and another garden!

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