Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It’s still May, right? When were you last in the middle of something that might be described as mayhem?

You mean before the madness and mayhem of a new puppy? lol! Actually this is a little bit of a challenge, but puppy-hood lasts such a short time.

2. When did you last feel dismayed?

When I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. I am totally angry about this. Time for Halls Cough drops and lots of fluids!

3. What’s a food combination you like, but other people may find strange?

Liver, onions, mashed potato, peas but no gravy.

4. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” Do you think that’s true? Why or why not?

Sometimes things do pass you by. I wanted to be the best mother ever, but when Katie passed, I’m afraid I was not the best mother to Mandy. I just lost my mind for a long time. I’m 55 years old now, and that part of my life is over. Now I am focusing on being the best Oma ever!

5. US News and World Report listed the best historic destinations in the US as follows-Washington D.C, Philadelphia PA, Williamsburg VA, Charleston SC, Boston MA, Richmond VA, Savannah, GA, Santa Fe NM, Yellowstone, San Antonio TX, San Francisco CA, New Orleans LA, and Charlottesville VA.

Of those listed how many have you seen in person? Which two sites on the list would you most like to see in person?

I have not been to New Orleans or San Antonio, Texas. I would love to go back to Santa Fe and Savannah. They are wonderful cities.

6. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. If you had to participate in a single fitness activity for the next half hour, which activity would you choose?

Right now it is walking Lili. About a gazillion times a day! (lol) This is how I house train. As soon as she wakes up. After breakfast. After a good play time. And then about every hour on the hour.

7. What did you like best about the city, town, or neighborhood where you grew up?

Back in the day, Falmouth, Massachusetts was a small seaside town. Everyone knew everyone  else and neighbors could be counted on to help out in an emergency. Sadly, Falmouth is really built up now and not a place that feels like home. I love my hometown now, Meredith, NH, as it is small and has all the same qualities that Falmouth had.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

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