Positive Things

It was a very good week this week as far as my weight loss goes. I started really working at it, the day after Thanksgiving. I have not cheated or fallen off the wagon once. And currently, I am eleven pounds down! I am quite proud of this accomplishment.

I also went and had my hair done today. Now I did not have it cut at all. Just the rotten roots retouched. I will go back just before our trip to Disney and have it shaped then, but for right now, I am in it to grow out my hair!


She blew it out, so I am sans tight curls, but simply have waves. I really like it!


2 thoughts on “Positive Things”

  1. Congratulations on the weight loss!! Well done!! Your hair looks great and I love the color. The waves are very nice too. I’m done with longer hair down here in FL. It is hot and humid all.the.time.

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