
After WW on Wednesday (I stayed the same), I came home and did some cooking for Jack. I like to do some make ahead meals for him as it makes my fish nights easier. It’s not that he doesn’t like fish, but he doesn’t want to eat it as often as I do.

Chunky Tomato, Sausage, Meatball and Basil Sauce

July 25 001

On the stovetop today was a chunky sausage, basil and vegetable spaghetti sauce, and vegetable beef soup. Both came out well and half of each is frozen for last-minute meals.

I also watched three episodes of Downton Abbey, which brought me up to where my sister is with her viewing. Now we can talk and not give things away.

downton-abbey-movie-teaser-imageIt’s not long now until the movie comes out!

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