A Little Tea

Growing up in my family, a cup of tea was probably the most important thing we shared. For me, our afternoon teas started almost before any of my actual memories do.

mb age 3

When I was not quite four years old, my appendix ruptured and after the surgery, my mother got a call from the nurses in the Pediatric Ward. Oh goodness, Maribeth is not drinking. They’d tried to offer me everything, and I refused.

“Offer her a cup of tea with two sugars and a little milk” my mother told them. So the nurse did and apparently I perked right up. Yes, me and my tea go back a long way.

All through my youth we drank tea in the afternoons. When I got home from school, while watching “Dark Shadows”, I would have a cup of tea and a few cookies. I sort of thought every one did, right?

When I was in 6th grade I moved in with my grandparents, and that’s when the real ritual began. I would go to school each day, and when I came home, after grandma’s soap opera was over, we would have our tea, some cookies and talk. I would tell them all about my day, school, what was happening, and what I thought. And Grandma, Papa and my Mom, always listened. When my sister was there, she joined us too.

When my grandmother got too old to leave her bed, and we knew her time was drawing near, we gathered our children together and had a tea party. Right there in her bedroom. It was the last time I saw her before she passed.

I continued the tradition of tea, with my Mom, my sister, my cousin, Janet and my own children. And when my Mom died, my sister had a tea party after her Memorial Service. Complete with beautiful tea cups and cookies. Mom would have loved it!

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The other day I was watching Pioneer Woman on the Food Channel. Ree and her daughter, Paige were having a tea during the show. They had so much fun making up the treats to serve with it too. Eventually Ree asks her daughter how often she thinks they should do this? And her daughter smiles and says “Every day!”.

And that was when I started to cry. I suddenly missed all those afternoon teas we shared. I missed my Grandma, my Mom, Papa. Those moments, those sweet days have gone by. Aside from my sister, daughter, Mandy and cousin Janet, the people I shared those days with have gone too.

My love of tea, and of a few cookies or small finger sandwiches goes on. It’s my link to my past. I’m so very grateful to have it..

A Wild Boar

Back in February of 2009, I took Anneliese to Berlin, Germany for her first breeding, with a handsome German dackel, named Isagrim. In Boston, the airport workers thought Anneliese was very cute, in her little panties as I carried her through Logan Airport Security. (For those that do not know, when a dog is in heat they wear little panties, so they don’t get messy or make your home messy.) I spent a little over a week with my friend Uschi and her husband, and I was able to breed Anneliese twice before it was time to go home.

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Now Anneliese is a very good little traveler. She remained very calm in the airports during transport, and on the aircraft, she was amazing, as she settled herself inside her little bag and fell asleep. She had no accidents in her bag, and when we reached Berlin, and cleared customs, We went right outside and she did her business right where she should.

It amazed me how she knew just what to do with Isagrim, in fact I admonished her to play a little hard to get with him, lest he think she was a loose woman! But the breeding went well, and then she had a few days to rest before we made our trip back to the states.


We left Berlin and headed back home on a direct flight from Berlin to JFK in New York. As we descended into New York, I was filling out the Customs Declaration form for the USA.

The form asks if you are traveling with any animal?


What color is the animal?

On all of Anneliese’s papers it states quite clearly…”Wild Boar“. So, I wrote that down.

We landed and I walked through to the Customs Area where I was stopped and directed over to the Animal Import area. The Agent took my card and read it.

“Madam, I will need you to open this bag and show me the animal you are bringing in!” he commanded

And as I reached to unzip the bag, the Agent took three giant steps back! I wish you could have seen his face! He was terrified! Anneliese’s little head popped out and I could actually see the man start to breathe again.

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You see the agent thought that “Wild Boar” was what was in the bag, not the actual color of the dog!

This is probably my favorite story about Anneliese, and possibly my best traveling dog story.



My Hobby!

I am really happy these days. What is contributing to my happiness? Well, this year I decided to take on two projects. These projects are for my daughter, Mandy, and for Gail, who has been my best friend since I was 13 years old. This year, I am crocheting them both afghans.

It all started out last fall when I decided to make Savannah an afghan for her Christmas gift. While I worked each day I found that the arthritis in my hands disappeared. As did the cramping I got in my fingers. The more I crocheted, the better my hands felt.

So at Christmas I mentioned this to Mandy and she said she would love an afghan from me. So I had her select the yarn and I started to work on it once the yarn arrived. It is beautiful!

Each afternoon and then in the evening, while watching the TV, I crochet. I’m happily loving this!

Something else came to light too. Because I am working on these afghans, I am not on my computer as much. And that feels really good. My mindless internet browsing is limited to the morning to answer my email from overnight, and then at about 8 PM when I check my email for the last time. Oh yes, and at 5 PM I sit and write to you all. Some could say that was mindless, but really I do try to engage my brain when I write. Although at times I go back and read what I’ve written and wonder if I’ve had too much wine while writing! Which is funny because I haven’t been drinking while I’ve been sick!

Mandy’s afghan is made from the softest, sort of bulky yarn. I’m using a chunky stitch and a large hook and so it’s also a little on the lacy side. Not too much, so it will hold up in her kid friendly home. It is so very pretty.


The one I am going to make for Gail is a ripple afghan with her favorite colors. Both beautiful, but both different. That will be so much fun.

After that, well I have a few things in mind. One thing is I would like to learn a variety of stitches. I am amazed at the number of stitches there are in crocheting. So, I want to learn more.

It’s kind of funny how I fell into a hobby I gave up a long time ago, and how very much I am enjoying it after all these years.

The Lovely Lili

I have to tell you all about our wonderful Lili. Lili will be turning four years old March 17th. Yes, she is a St. Patrick’s Day girl! At nearly four, she is a real beauty, and we have found, she is smart as a whip. And we didn’t even know this!

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During this cold, cold, winter, when we have had snow and ice and sleet and rain, the dackels still need to go out and do their thing, and Jack will snow-blow a path for them,  around the house, as well as in the back yard. Greta and Arnie pretty much stay in the back yard, but every once in a while Anneliese either takes too long, or runs around the house to the garage.

It’s a difficult thing because it’s been below zero and I do not want the dackels to freeze out there, but having a fever, I am not always up to running out to bring them back. Although I have done this a time or two.

What we discovered is that Lili has a special gift. She is a herding dog! If you command her, “Lili go get Anneliese!” She will run out the door, follow the path and herd Anneliese (or Arnie or Greta) back to the house to come in.

Not only does she do this on command, but if she cannot find the dackel in question on her first pass, she will keep circling until she either finds the dackel in question, or we call her in.

This morning it was Anneliese. She had gone around the house and then she came up the stairs shortly after I let Lili out to go get ’em. Well Lili was frantic to find the little dog. She ran the path twice before I could get her attention and get her in.

The first thing she did was go over to Anneliese and sniff her to make sure all was well. And this really amazed me.

Lili really is an incredible dog and she loves it when you give her jobs to do. Do you think I can teach her to do the dishes?

My Darling Greta

My girl Greta is quite an amazing pup. I remember when we drove with Uschi to Rheden, German to pick her up at The Vom Geestmoor Kennels. When we arrived we were greeted by a whole bunch of wire-haired dackel puppies and several Mama pups. The owner met us at the gate and invited us in for coffee and cakes. As we sat enjoying our coffee, the owner left us with his wife and then came back with a squirming little bundle. My darling Greta!


Later when we left, I feared she might be sad to leave her brothers and sisters and her Mama, but she never looked back. She was a girl on the go!

We spent several days with Uschi and Volker before flying back to the USA with Greta. Every time we went out to explore a new place we brought baby Greta with us. She was all for new experiences and meeting new people.

The Kids are back

In the airport in Frankfurt, and old woman stopped me to admire the puppy and asked her name. “Oh, her name is Greta!” I said proudly. “Oh, like the famous actress, Greta Garbo!” she exclaimed, and patted Greta again. And the nickname stuck! I often call out the door, “Miss Garbo! Paging Miss Garbo!” And Greta comes running.

Greta was always up for anything. She hiked and swam and ran so fast, one was amazed that those short little legs could move at such a fast pace. She loved to play in the snow, or run around the yard playing with her red ball. (She knew the red ball from any other color and she knew that the red ball was hers!)

silly greta

Why am I writing all of this now? Well, Greta will be 14 in a month and a half. Her eyes show signs that she probably is nearly blind. Her hearing is not good either and in a 24 hour period, Greta spends 22 of them sleeping.

It’s hard to watch your beloved companion getting old. She is still as sweet as ever, but that spunk, that “I’m up for anything” attitude that she once had is gone. The other day I took her for a ride and she actually slept on the car seat instead of standing on the armrest to look out the window. And after that when I asked if she wanted to go for a ride, she didn’t even leave her bed.


So for now, I cuddle with her all the time, day and night, and I enjoy her as much as I can. But there is a sadness in my heart and my mind, as I know that we have started the long goodbye.

The Friday Five

I woke this morning and I am actually feeling better. After being ill since just after Christmas, it made me very happy to actually feel better. So here is today’s Friday Five!

1. After not being able to breathe through my nose for weeks, I can actually breathe and not have to blow my nose every two seconds! Yay nose!

2. I can once again swallow. I have lived on liquids for a couple of weeks because swallowing has been hard. My cough is also slowing down, after weeks of gagging, hard, coughing.

3. Despite the fact that I could not eat whole foods, I have not lost any weight. Thus confirming my belief that I could survive a nuclear holocaust as long as I had some sort of liquid. Vodka perhaps?

4. Jack bought me a new rug cleaner in November for my birthday. At first I was nervous about using it, but I have to say, it is the best machine (Bissell ProHeat 2X® Revolution™ Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner/2007) I have ever owned! And the cleaning fluid, Bissell 1990 Pro Pet Urine Eliminator Upright Deep Cleaner Formula + Oxy, is magic! It has worked on old stains as well as new ones. If you have a dog or cat, trust me this works like a charm!

5. Jack is also a bit better, although not quite on par with me. I am hoping that with a few more days of rest he will be on the mend along with me.

Life Or Something Like It

In an attempt to spread only happiness and positive things in the world, I have not wanted to write too much about Jack and I and the cold from hell. And yet, after suffering with this thing for over two weeks, I decided that it was best if I explained where we have been and why when I’ve posted, they have been very short.

The thing is, we’ve been amazingly sick. There have been days we didn’t even get dressed, but rather stayed in our jammies. And one day that I quite literally did not get up out of bed. I just didn’t have the strength. A 102.3 temperature just knocked me out. I tried to keep drinking, but food was the last thing on my mind.

Jack and I sat in our recliners with our blankets and when the dogs barked to go out I would say to Jack, I’ll let them out, if you let them in, of I’ll flip ya for it.

Today I woke and my fever had broken, so I actually got into the shower and scrubbed down and then got dressed! In clothes! I still have no voice, but I can honestly say I am better. Once Jack was up, I made a full breakfast for the both of us, complete with Florida Sunshine (grapefruit from my friend, Candy) and after finishing that, we both reclined in our chairs and fell asleep.

We woke in time to eat lunch and now the sofa is calling my name, so I think I will do the next smartest thing and take another nap. It seems the only way we will kick this cold is with plenty of rest and good food.

I’ve got my fingers crossed that we are on the right road now.

This & That

The yarn arrived yesterday and I quickly sat down and attempted o start the afghan. Well, it didn’t go quite as easily as I thought it would, perhaps because it was written for an English crowd (IE Great Britain). I went to bed last night feeling very frustrated. My plan was to give it another go this morning, or as a last resort, find a new pattern Well, so far this morning, I am doing a wee bit better.

I have a new favorite show on the TV. The Incredible Dr. Pol! He is originally from the Netherlands, but after attending and graduating Veterinarian School, he followed his heart to the USA and married a woman he met when he was an exchange student.

Anyway, he has a practice that treats farm animals as well cats, dogs, rabbits and chickens! I love it. I love watching the scenery, the  working farms, and also the way the Veterinarians must be creative treating these large animals.

Plus I think Dr. Pol, his wife Diane and their (grown) children and office staff and fellow Vets, are all terrific!

We are actually in the middle of a heat wave! 22 degrees Fahrenheit! (5. degrees C) I was greeted  with dark puffy clouds and a snow shower!Isn’t life grand?

Our new coffee maker (The Cuisinart. 14 Cup) is wonderful. I now make consistently good coffee.

My granddaughter tried out for a community play. They are doing “Seussical the Musical” and Savannah has been cast in two parts.

She was in a play last year and really enjoys acting and singing. I think her ballet and dance classes have given her the ability to get up on stage with no fear. I am so very proud of her!

All the Christmas decorations have been put away and now I would like to go, room by room an do a deep cleaning. Windows, curtains, rugs, etc. Sort of a Spring cleaning, but in the middle of winter!

Apple Crisp

Since I am still a bit under the weather with my cold I thought I would share this great recipe. Have a wonderful Monday!

Apple Crisp


8 large baking apples (MacIntosh or Cortland or both)

½ cup butter chopped into tiny pieces

½ cup Oats

½ cup flour

½ cup sugar (I used Splenda)

1/3 cup brown sugar (I used Splenda Brown Sugar)

1 tsp. cinnamon

¼ tsp. Nutmeg

¼ tsp. Ground Cloves

Peel and cut apples into slices. Place in a greased (butter or Pam sprayed) deep 9 X 11 casserole dish.

TIP: I cut up the cold butter into chunks and placed the hard butter into my food processor. I pulsed it a few times, then added the flour and pulsed a few times until it was crumbly. This was the easiest way to make this butter and flour into a crumb mixture.

In a separate bowl place the butter and flour crumb mixture to the oats.

Add sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves and mix well.

Spread evenly over the top  of the apples allowing some of the mixture to settle into the apples. I sort of gently push it into the apples.

Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes or until you see bubbles coming up from the apples. The butter will melt and the crumb mixture should be nice and brown on the top.

Cool slightly, serve warm with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream….


Ten below zero (Fahrenheit) again today. I can recall a time like this, where the temperatures didn’t go above freezing (32 F) for a very long time. But this whole below Zero thing, is a new dimension, and lets face it, harder to take.

Each morning I jump out of bed and immediately dress in my long underwear. Also known as my base layer of clothing. Then comes the heavy winter jeans and a heavy LL Bean turtleneck. Then I add heavy winter socks and a wonderful winter jacket my sister gave me for Christmas.

It’s funny about this jacket because when I opened the box I thought that it would be too heavy for me to wear in all my hot-flash  wonder. This is not the case. It is simply the best cold weather companion jacket.

Now, I have faux fur lined Merrell shoes and a blanket and a couple of dackels by my side. And I try to stay warm, and not let the cold get me down

Stay warm, folks & have a great day!