How Little It Takes

Okay, I’m easy. Some people want trips to the South of France, or the beaches of San Tropez. Others dream of leading the life of a jet setter. So what turns me on? What makes my day?
A new chest freezer!
Our old one died about two years ago. We didn’t get another one because well, we sort of “made do” with the small freezer in the regular fridge. But, buy a few chicken’s on sale or cook a few meals ahead of time, and suddenly you can’t find anything, as the freezer is chockablock full!
Fast forward to yesterday. We drove around checking out different sales going on in the area, and found a wonderful freezer, 7.0 cu. We got it up and running last night and I’ll spend this morning arranging meats, chicken and fish in the new, highly coveted appliance!
No, it doesn’t take much to make this girl happy!

Sunshine in Paradise

I woke this morning, got up with the three dogs and headed for the great out of doors. As I neared the back door my eyes narrowed and the sudden intense light from beyond, stopped me in my tracks. “Sunglasses” I moaned. I reached for them by the back door, and put them over my eyes.
I walked around stunned by the newness of the morning. When was the last time I woke to sun this bright, this intense? I simply couldn’t recall. The dogs were racing around the yard, quite happily. They had gone to bed in dreary New England and woken up in Paradise!

We Are Up And Running!!!

Hubby finally went crazy after dinnertime. We had been home all day waiting for a serviceman to arrive, (it’s 7:35 pm and still no one has shown up) and by 7 Hubby couldn’t stand it. He called tech support and started yelling. Oh no, clear the decks! However, he got a great young guy who worked with us over and over and over until he unearthed the problem. Guess what it was? The last serviceman had entered in the wrong serial numbers for our modem into the system. So, when our town went back online last night, we didn’t get hooked back in. Once “mike” entered the correct numbers and rehit the modem and we rebooted the machine everything worked like it was supposed to and we are up and running! Now pardon me for saying this. But what do they teach these service people? Aren’t they supposed to know to always enter the correct serial numbers?
I thanked “mike” by telling him I loved him and wanted to have his children! To which he laughed and said he would drive all three over when he got off work! haha!!
Ah, the joy of being online again. I think I might just weep with joy!

Meg’s back with the Friday Seven!

I’m glad you’re feeling better, Meg!!!!

1. What do you need when you are sick?
Quiet, My pillow and blanket and herbal tea with honey

2. Do you believe in Karma?
What have I been saying? Yes! Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad.

3. Have you ever taken a “mental-health day”?
Hahahahahaha You are talking to the Queen of mental health days!

4. What’s your desktop wallpaper right now?
The apple blossoms I posted a few days ago.

5. What is the first thing you are going to do when we finally get a sunny Saturday
Take the pups for a walk at the park.

6. What is one thing that makes you smile no matter how bad you feel?
Shubi, Fritz and Greta.

7. What are your Mem. Day plans?
Cook freeze and organize things for my post op time. Maybe cruise the WWW if they ever fix my cable hook-up!

You Won’t Believe This!

I awoke with hopes that my Internet service would have magically been restored in the night. Slowly, with caution and hope, I opened my browser and I get this page:
“Welcome to “SuchandSuch Cablevision” Congratulations on getting your new cable modem hook up! Please complete the form below and then you can begin to surf the WWW!!! If you are already a SuchandSuch customer, please call technical support to report this error.”
It took me 1/2 an hour to reach tech support. She goes through several steps that had previously been attempted and then exclaims,
“I can’t talk to your modem! It’s not responding!”
What have I been saying for the last week?

Continue reading “You Won’t Believe This!”

Rainy days and Thursdays

It was one of those days when people were in and out of my house attempting to fix things. First up, the cable modem guys, who arrived, tried to fix my slowed cable modem connection, and wound up knocking me off line! (I am using a dial up server I keep on retainer for when we are traveling) Now they tell me that all of my home town is affected, and they are not sure when it will be back up and running. I’m trying not to take this personally, as I know that there are others in my town who are without www contact! What did we do before we had the Internet?
In the last week I have written 4 snail mail letters, and actually called a few people on the phone. But I am unable to check prices for a new freezer I’d like to get, and this means that I will have to, (gasp) leave the house and go shopping in person!
The dishwasher man came and got the dishwasher all fixed, ran it through a cycle and found the main gasket was leaking badly and he will need to order that and of course, that won’t be in until next week. So, I once again washed the dishes by hand. (I am so spoiled!)
Now that I have a definite date for my surgery, (June 16th) I am starting to cook and freeze meals. I have also started a major cleaning of the house as I will be down and out for a while. At least as far as the heavy cleaning goes. Would like to get out to the camper as well and get it cleaned. If only the weather were a little better.
And speaking of the weather…when oh when, is the sun going to shine, the temperatures warm and my blossoms bloom?

A Meme from cousin J.

1) Total number of films I own on DVD/video: Over 600 now. Hubby is a film buff.

2) The last film I bought: Hmmm, I think it was the last Harry Potter one. I LOVE Harry Potter!!!

3) The last film I watched: In a theater, “Fever Pitch” I really enjoyed that.

4) Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:

1. Ghost & Mrs Muir. I love that one because I’d like to believe that the spirits we loved or love us, are all around us. I love the feelings in the movie, the cinamatography, and the acting. And yes, it makes me think of my cousin Janet. We used to watch it together.
2. Bridget Jones Diary. That always makes me laugh. I can relate to Bridget in that I am sort of a social klutz.
3. It’s a Wonderful Life: This one I watch a lot. It reminds me when I feel down and out that even the smallest contributions in my life have been valuable.
4. Enchanted April: The friendship of the four women after WW II during a holiday, set amid the splendor of wisteria, is dreamy and thoughtful.
5. Bagdad Cafe: The two women in this film couldn’t be more different. Yet, the love and light they bring to each other’s lives shows what friendship is all about.

Memories of the past

Written by Paul Williams and used by Kermit the Frog,

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it
I know they’re wrong, wait and see.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
and someone believed it,
and look what it’s done so far.
What’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.

All of us under its spell,
we know that it’s probably magic….

Have you been half asleep
and have you heard voices?
I’ve heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it.
It’s something that I’m supposed to be.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.


Another rainy, cold day. Is it spring? Somehow I am starting to think that spring has passed us by. Come on Spring! I want some warm temperatures and some sunny skies!
I had my pre-op physical today. I was 100%! So I think yesterday’s sacrifice to the God’s of doing the filing must have turned my Karma around! My GP is a great guy. I never mind going to see him because he is such a pleasant person. I get the feeling he actually likes me as a person and that he is not just treating me because he “has” to. Hubby says the same thing. Nice to find a family doctor in this day and age, that you can say that about.
Tomorrow the ISP provider comes again to hopefully fix the Internet connection. Got my fingers crossed on that one.
I start working on cooking and freezing too. I would like to have a weeks worth of meals in place before the operation. I know from experience that I will not feel up to cooking after and as much as I love Hubby, his cooking is just not the reason I said “I do”.
Did anyone see NCIS last night? I was so shocked at the end when my favorite character was killed! A bullit to the head! Shoot!